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  1. N

    3rd week flower, leaves wilting only

    thanks guys, she looks the same. Tonight i will take a lot of different pictures, and come back with more info. I had the HPS off when I was taking the picture, so thats why it seems like low light. Im running a cooltube on it and keep it pretty close, and have some sidelighting as well. I...
  2. N

    3rd week flower, leaves wilting only

    I had most of that info in the top of my post. 400w HPS FFOF Soil w perlite 4/1 Big Bloom + Tiger Bloom Nutes PH i believe is 6.8 There is a circulation fan blowing on it humidity i am unsure of Temps... it is almost outside, and it has gotten into the 20's F over the nights :( but all the...
  3. N

    3rd week flower, leaves wilting only

    I think last week I had overwatered it, so I waited for the soil to get very dry, almost crispy, before watering again. I watered yesterday and it looks about the same. Thanks for the fast responses, what would you guys recommend?
  4. N

    3rd week flower, leaves wilting only

    Strain is Neville's Haze. 3rd week flower. FFOH soil, Tiger Bloom/Big Bloom nutes. About 6.8 PH. 400w HPS and side lighting. I've let it dry completely out, then just watered it yesterday. So can't tell if its a water problem. It does get pretty cold in there, but the other plant (hawaiin...
  5. N

    first grow, 100% fem snow white t5ho

    ^ just as he said, and we had a 120mm fan, its a silverstone, pretty high cfm
  6. N

    first grow, 100% fem snow white t5ho

    The fan you see in the pictures is for circulation, I just didn't have enough floor space, so I had to mount it somewhere out of the way. On the outside of my box, there is a pc fan pulling air through the ducting and cool tube.
  7. N

    first grow, 100% fem snow white t5ho

  8. N

    first grow, 100% fem snow white t5ho

    my batteries in my good camera should be charged tomorrow, so we will have some pics like before soon
  9. N

    first grow, 100% fem snow white t5ho

    alright man, Ill get you some better ones tomorrow. Last night a few more sites go the chop, still not one plant has been fully chopped, just taking buds as they are ready. We're up to over 200g wet now
  10. N

    first grow, 100% fem snow white t5ho

    the main cola and some of the upper sites on the shorty plant were ready for harvest today. Not good pics, will have better ones when i trim more, but chopped them and strung them up in a box for drying. Got a little over 2 oz wet, but there are still some more sites on the plant that are...
  11. N

    first grow, 100% fem snow white t5ho

    Well the cooltube is made up of a $8 hurricane glass from Hobby Lobby, The glass is what they use on kerosene lamps. Then some a/c reducers and collars, some flexi-duct and a fan. Here is the guide I used: It was not very...
  12. N

    first grow, 100% fem snow white t5ho

    heres some pics, sorry, crappy camera
  13. N

    My First ever grow! Tent setup with fem. Snow Whites!

    looking awesome man, great node spacing, those are going to fill in very nice, and get fatttt too
  14. N

    first grow, 100% fem snow white t5ho

    Since I added the cfls there has been a great amount of growth on the lower sites. Too much that it was tempting ;) , last night I snipped a small amount from a lower site and dried it in a coffee maker. It had a real pine smell to it, and wasn't very harsh, but the high was real cerebral with a...
  15. N

    first grow, 100% fem snow white t5ho

    Come the 30th of this month they will be 4 weeks into flowering, only about 4-5 weeks left!
  16. N

    first grow, 100% fem snow white t5ho

    New pics, also added side lighting:
  17. N

    first grow, 100% fem snow white t5ho

    I do believe that they could have been flowered under the T5, although it would need good side lighting, but I'm extremely happy with the HPS , I still may do some side lighting, since everything is so close together in there, but HPS is definately the way to go. And this is still a T5 grow, I...
  18. N

    first grow, 100% fem snow white t5ho

    thanks for the advice.. I had been straight dunking them in a cup of water every day.. no wonder it never wanted to try to reach out.
  19. N

    first grow, 100% fem snow white t5ho

    I had a good percentage of the clones to develop roots, and I believe I should have transplanted earlier. The only problem I seen, was that the root development was not big, they never worked their way all the way through the rockwool. Maybe next time I'll put a rubberband around it to keep it...
  20. N

    first grow, 100% fem snow white t5ho

    yeah it was right around 6 weeks. I can't wait for this harvest, it's going to be crazy.