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  1. C

    All Plants FRIED from the Cali heat?!?! :(

    Well what I did was I went ahead and snipped off the dead leaves from each branch node. I did not cut off any nodes, just where the leaves meet the branch. The stem and the nodes still look very green and healthy, so I just placed them in the shade and watered them a bit. Are the chances of...
  2. C

    All Plants FRIED from the Cali heat?!?! :(

    Hey all, Today has got to be the worse day ever. I went outside today to check all 4 of my plants. I just gave them all Grow Big a couple days ago. They're all 4 weeks old, I go outside and notice 3 of them are fried. The leaves are all crumbled up. The stem still seems fine, nice and straight...
  3. C

    newbie outdoor question

    12 / 12 is used for indoor growing environments. For outdoor, 12 / 12 does not apply because you don't control the lighting environment, the sun does. Just let nature take its course.
  4. C

    First Grow, 2-3 Weeks Old Now

    Thanks for the responses. I'd like to say they get anywhere from 8-10 hours of direct sunlight per day. When they were first sprouting, I would leave them in the shade for more hours then the hours they'd get with direct sunlight. This was because I didn't want to kill them with the hot Cali...
  5. C

    First Grow, 2-3 Weeks Old Now

    Greetings all, Today I took some pictures of my ladies. Picture 1, 2, 5 are all 19 days old today. The plant in picture 4 is 23 days old today. They're all the same Afghan Kush skunk strain. 80% indica / 20% sativa. The odd thing is that my oldest plant of 23 days is smaller in size than my...
  6. C

    First Grow, Less Than 2 Weeks Old w/ Pictures

    Any ideas why this might be causing slow growth at their age?
  7. C

    First Grow, Less Than 2 Weeks Old w/ Pictures

    Yeah, I figured they were small for their age. I'm in North California, so we're getting hit by sun from the 70s - 80s right now. We're about to start hitting the 90s. I'm not sure why they did not get bigger for their age.
  8. C

    First Grow, Less Than 2 Weeks Old w/ Pictures

    So I decided to take my first pictures of this grow I am doing. The strain I am growing is Hollands Hope Afghan Kush Skunk. There are currently 4 plants which are showing leaves and not just a stem. As of today, the plants in pictures 2, 3, 8 are 8 days old. Plant in picture 6 is 11 days old. In...
  9. C

    Bugs Ate 1'st Set Of Leaves? Will Plant Survive?

    Hey all, So today I check my plants, one of them is starting to get its 3'rd set of leaves. What I noticed, was that about half of the 1'st set of leaves that grow first, got eaten. Basically its the rounded set of leaves that sprout before the more noticeable pointy marijuana leaves start...
  10. C

    Growing Near a Creek Trail, What Do You Think?

    Alright so all my girls are under 2 weeks old. Right now they're in the backyard since they are not very noticeable yet. Today I found a creek near me which I checked out and figured it has a good potential for growing without getting caught. The thing is, there is a trail where I'm assuming...
  11. C

    hollands hope

    I know the last post in this thread was 3 months ago, but I am currently growing Hollands Hope and wondering if anyone out there has grown this strain? Perhaps some pictures of the final product? So Far it seems to be growing quite well. My oldest Hollands Hope plant will reach 1 week tomorrow...
  12. C

    Sprouting question!

    Your seedlings are going to need light in order to sprout out of the soil and take off. If you really don't have the option of starting them indoors, start them outdoors. I highly recommend using a spray bottle to wet the soil and seedling as you don't want to wash away and over water them...
  13. C

    WTF is my plant doing?? (Pics)

    Yeah, it looks 100% like a sativa strain. bongsmilie
  14. C

    5 LR x AK47 seeds, got some questions!

    You'll really need to do more research about this as it varies from grower to grower. For myself, I am using a few 8 inch pots and some smaller Yogurt cups that are this size For soil, I am using Fox...
  15. C

    Thunderstorms, is rain harmful for baby sprouts?

    I'm with you on that. :) :peace:
  16. C

    how much water is enough???

    Try to water your plants every other day depending on the size and various other factors as Angus pointed out. I most certainly would not water them everyday. A good rule of thumb to follow is, when your plants are watered, wait for the soil to dry out before your next watering schedule. The top...
  17. C

    Miracle Grow

    Miracle Grow is a no no when growing marijuana plants, although I have heard of a few cases where people have used Miracle Grow. I would highly recommend using Fox Farms Ocean Forest. That is what I am currently using and the soil is very soft, allowing water to drain well. Plus it has enough...
  18. C

    Thunderstorms, is rain harmful for baby sprouts?

    Thanks everyone for your replies! It does not appear that it was barley enough rain to drown and/or ruin the crops, thanks to my friend! Apparently its raining until Saturday, then we should start getting our sunny Cali weather again. +rep for all! :peace:
  19. C

    Real or Myth? (early flowering)

    From what I understand, this is true for indoor growing. For outdoor, I would think it'd be the same. When Fall hits the days get shorter which tells them to start flowering. If any light hits them during this flowering cycle, they revert back to vegetative growth. As far as stunting the growth...
  20. C

    Thunderstorms, is rain harmful for baby sprouts?

    So I have all my baby sprouts outdoors now. All of them are just 1 day old in their pots, and I have one that is just about 5 days old now. I am currently in North California, and we just got hit by thunderstorm showers. Well luckily my room mate heard the rain coming down while I was asleep and...