First Grow, 2-3 Weeks Old Now


Greetings all,

Today I took some pictures of my ladies. Picture 1, 2, 5 are all 19 days old today. The plant in picture 4 is 23 days old today. They're all the same Afghan Kush skunk strain. 80% indica / 20% sativa. The odd thing is that my oldest plant of 23 days is smaller in size than my younger plants of 19 days. Regardless, they're all taking off now. I fed them all 6-4-4 one time last week. I am going to water them either tomorrow or the following day with some more 6-4-4. They're all in 8 inch pots except for the one in picture #5 which is in a regular yogurt cup. For these sized pots, I've only fed them 1 teaspoon of 6-4-4. I checked the pH level on them today and they were all around 6.8.

The plant in picture 1 seems to have a separate weed growing right next to it. You can see it if you look closely there is a small weed growing out too. Should this be pulled? I thought about pulling it but I don't want to risk damaging the plant.

Last, if you can see on the leaves there are very minor and almost unnoticeable yellow spots on the leaves. The pH is at 6.8 so I wouldn't think that would be the problem. Any feedback on the growth is appreciated. :peace:



Active Member
I would pull that weed next to your plant asap. I'm guessing that the spots are from bugs, I don't think that they have anything to do with ph. Be careful using nutes when they are so young, keep an eye on the leaf tips for burnage. Also, they do look a bit stretched, make sure they get as much sun as possible. Good luck.


Thanks for the responses. I'd like to say they get anywhere from 8-10 hours of direct sunlight per day. When they were first sprouting, I would leave them in the shade for more hours then the hours they'd get with direct sunlight. This was because I didn't want to kill them with the hot Cali heat. I'm sure they're used to the sunlight by now, so I'll keep an eye on them to make sure they're getting the most sunlight possible. I'll definitely pull that weed next to one of them. Thanks again! :peace:


Well-Known Member
That's a great color you have in picture number 1. I think the plants look great, maybe you should start with more soil in the pot and you can avoid some stretching problems, it may not have been getting as much direct sunlight as you thought :peace: