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  1. brewski29

    Two HO T5's +400w hps or 1000w?

    Alright so I have been running into heating issues using a 1000w for flowering, would using two 8 bulb T5's with mixed spectrum and a 400w hps be about equivalent in light output compared to the 1000w?
  2. brewski29

    My lovely ladies

    ps sorry about the terrible quality of the pictures, I have to use my camera phone
  3. brewski29

    My lovely ladies

    Hey thanks for the response, but no hps just the t5. i can't run hps because the space I use is fairly small and I do not have anywhere to vent to without cutting holes in walls.
  4. brewski29

    My lovely ladies

    Hey everyone, long time creeper of the site but I have never really posted anything. I have a few grows under my belt but they are nowhere near perfect. I am looking for some feed back on how my ladies look, criticisms and comments of all kind are welcome :weed: The strains I am currently...
  5. brewski29

    something wrong.... PICS!

    Thanks for all the input guys, i flushed and hopefully it recovers/corrects the problem. How long should I wait to give nutes again? isn't it like 4 days? or just until the plant looks better?
  6. brewski29

    something wrong.... PICS!

    So should I just flush?
  7. brewski29

    something wrong.... PICS!

    My ak-48 plant just started showing signs of something wrong a few days ago(I think it is a manganese deficiency) But then again I could be completely wrong. What do you guys think? I appreciate the help.
  8. brewski29

    Hey I saw your post on the ohio growers thread, new time poster but long time reader. I saw...

    Hey I saw your post on the ohio growers thread, new time poster but long time reader. I saw your picture of your plant and was just wondering if that is what a plant looks like after you lst?
  9. brewski29

    week 6.5 flowering problem

    Im having the same problem as you it almost looks like, guy at the hydro store said it was magnesium deficiency. It just appeared on my plants yesterday, im also several weeks into flowering. Im waiting to see if these new nutrients correct flowering.
  10. brewski29

    What is this? pics!

    Oh one more thing, I THINK my ph has been 5.5-6.0 the whole time. I don't have an digital ph meter :( my funds are realllll tight. I just use the chart on the back of the ph kit I bought for like 20 bucks.
  11. brewski29

    What is this? pics!

    Alright so here is an update, I flushed last night and put 50 percent nutrients in. I woke up today and the spots had gotten worse :( I went to the hydro store and told the guy what the problem was, he said it sounded like magnesium. My ph has been between 5.5 - 6.0 for the whole grow. I was...
  12. brewski29

    What is this? pics!

    I am running a dwc system under a 4 ft 8 tube t5 fixture. Just yesterday these spots showed up and now they are on another plant too. This is my first grow and have not had any big problems until now. It might be nutrient burn? I am just trying to find out for sure what it is. I am using Fox...
  13. brewski29

    White Widow Closet Grow (3rd Grow)

    Hey fred I saw you were having problems with brown roots, make sure your system is completely light proof. If too much light gets to them that stuff happens.
  14. brewski29

    just built a grow box, need cfl light bulb advice.

    Well if you are vegging right now I would recommend two daytime cfls and one soft white, and yeah that setup sounds like it would work. Make sure you hang the lights only two to three inches above your plants.
  15. brewski29

    just built a grow box, need cfl light bulb advice.

    How big is your grow box? I keep my mother in a small one with 3 26 watt cfls. One 2700, and two 6500 and those work great. It also depends how big your box is and how many plants you are using etc...
  16. brewski29

    has anyone used this stuff b4 ?

    So i found this thing called the febreeze tru air purifier or something like that (it is at walmart) for 20 bucks. It is a mini carbon filter and the thing works better than ona gel, it does not have its own scent.
  17. brewski29

    Lemon G?

    I am from Columbus and have had lemon g around here for awhile now, I did not know it was such a sought after bud haha does anyone have a picture of a plant? I have a lemon g dumpster plant a few weeks into flower now (or at least that is what the guy said it was when I got the clone) and I want...
  18. brewski29

    has anyone used this stuff b4 ?

    My grow area is a little bigger (im using a closet under my stairs) and it covers up the smell completely. I have never grown skunk so I do not know, I can't say. I am assuming it would work, ona gel is powerful.
  19. brewski29

    has anyone used this stuff b4 ?

    Ona gel works, I currently have 4 ak plants flowering and it gets rid of the smell. I do not know about larger operations though.
  20. brewski29

    Help with my aero system!!

    Thanks everyone, I just went and bought a new pump. Problem solved.