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  1. M

    Voting Against Prop 19 means :

    No dipshit, cannabis is cannabis as far as the U.S. is concerned. In counties? I am talking different plants with different uses being taxed the same. Or does your puny brain lack the cognitive capacity to comprehend that. You do realize growing hemp is illegal?
  2. M

    The Fish Thread

    I don't think so. I would just keep googling. How I did it.
  3. M

    Voting Against Prop 19 means :

    Hemp retard. Charging the same taxes on HEMP. Can you fucking read?
  4. M

    The Fish Thread

    Every summer
  5. M

    Voting Against Prop 19 means :

    I have yet to see anyone post anything on why industrial hemp is nowhere to be found in this whole proposal. Charging the same taxes on this would be facist. Another reason to vote no.
  6. M

    So. Cal. short season outdoor grow!

    I always throw a few outside throughout the season. My room gets too crowded or something, and I throw 'em out back. Get some nice color this way.
  7. M

    Hermaphrodite pollen

    There is a thread on how SOMA makes fem seeds in the advanced section I believe. He lets his girls go a week or two longer than their harvest window so they sprout nanners. He then harvests the bananas and uses that pollen to make seeds from another plant that isn't stressed. Sounds good to me?
  8. M

    My first Super Soil Run

    Nice Unnk. It's funny we have similar grows and I'm using coat hangers for LST as well.
  9. M

    Small Orange Spots On Leafs

    The pharmacy.
  10. M

    What's better than K2?

    No headache.
  11. M

    Small Orange Spots On Leafs

    Online, hydro store, lots o places. Mix as suggested on label. Mix a gallon of water, put in a teaspoon of epsom salt, mix and water. You don't have to use it all, just saturate the soil.
  12. M

    Small Orange Spots On Leafs

    All good friend. Gallon. You should go get some Cal-Mg if you have none. Mary loves her calcium and magnesium.
  13. M

    Small Orange Spots On Leafs

    Mg def. Epsom salts 1tsp per G.
  14. M

    The Best! Absolute Best!

    That sour d is bomb.
  15. M

    Glass under lights

    Watch 'em, if they burn, move 'em.
  16. M

    Thoughts on mh and hps bulbs during flower

    "not dark green like the crap coming from cali right now" For real?
  17. M

    Out the back door...

    Love the pic with the dahlia in the back. Beautiful trees.
  18. M

    Still Having Issues Please HELP!

    Should be ok. Just keep on it.
  19. M

    Still Having Issues Please HELP!

    Looks like mg def.