Why is this plant different form other 2?


Active Member
IMG_0711.jpgIMG_0709.jpgSo, I got some Black Jack seeds and 2 of thIMG_0708.jpge 3 plants look great. Then there is the 3rd plant who looks healthy but the buds are weird. The 3rd plant has tiny leaves which are thin and IMG_0699.jpgscaly. The buds are tiny. The only way I can describe it is it looks like a midget weed pant when it comes to the buds. However, the whole plIMG_0703.jpgant looks very healthy. They are now producing resin but as you can see the look of the plant is opposite my other 2 plants. Please explain.


So, I am sorry the way these oics uploaded but i think anyone can tell the normal plant from the weird skinny midget plant.

Please help.


Active Member
"twisted" is a good way to describe the look of the plant. It was normal up to flowering. I will say though that there are crystals now forming on the mini leaves and mini white hairs now.

I am gonna smoke it.