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  1. indy kuh

    3 Word Story

    With the intent
  2. indy kuh

    Punch a Panhandler in the Face Day

    just yesterday I bought a homeless man some new socks, a pillow, a blanket, some soap, and a few joints. People never think about them needing socks.
  3. indy kuh

    Weed Card?

    That Garf. is one ugly chick
  4. indy kuh

    Bring Back The Crytpkeeper

    Cool story brah
  5. indy kuh

    What's Your Strain

    I just picked up some obama og. Nice great stone. I'd reccommend it.
  6. indy kuh


    Over 9000!!!!!!!
  7. indy kuh

    Bored As Fuck In Atx Need Some1 To Chill With

    I live near austin, Im going to dallas for christmas. I just picked up some purple haze in austin
  8. indy kuh


    I am really enjoying cataclysm. got to 85 in 2 days. well worth the money i'd say. It actually incorporates skill into the game, unlike wrath where you could plow through dungeons and whatnot...Try it out
  9. indy kuh

    Evolution is Real...

    Darwin told me so..
  10. indy kuh

    Go to this website, high.

    Hey no problem man, Just providing quality entertainment for my fellow stoners!
  11. indy kuh

    Go to this website, high. I literally laughed till I cried. :peace::peace::peace::peace::peace::peace: :joint::joint::joint::joint::joint: :blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke:
  12. indy kuh


    Human mage, 6.2k gear score. I play on Drak'Tharon, but im xferring to daggerspine when cata releases
  13. indy kuh

    How often do you change the bong water?

    I empty the bong after each session
  14. indy kuh

    Moldy Ass Weed

    FUCKING GROSS AS FUCKK!!!! My friend and I were at Nocturnal Festival (Big ass rave, had like 30k people) and were all fucked up and he pulls out his joint and passes it to me, I take one hit and its the nastiest shit you could ever even imagine. He said he had it hidden in his couch....who the...
  15. indy kuh

    Lets Be RANDOM!!!!! (its a game)

    Therefore we must induce prostate stimulation
  16. indy kuh

    *Prizes* Can you name this pill?

    like a round vicodin
  17. indy kuh

    What do you call a guy who steals your weed?

  18. indy kuh

    i bought an ounce of pot yesterday

    how much did it cost you