

Active Member
Hey everyone, I'm the type of dude that smokes all day everyday, I have a piss test in a week and a half, I have a bottle of 100mg Niacin, if I stop smoking, how many should I take per day?


Go buy a bottle of ur-in-luck, or your gonna fail. Those remedies are not for us daily smokers, they are for kids who smoke a couple times a week tops and can stop long enough to let the niacin work. I have a feeling your going to go to the test high so i would get fake piss. But on a side note if you did take enough niacin for it to work you would have scratched 3-4 layers of your own skin off prior to the test, not to mention drowned yourself with enough water. What is the test for if you don't mind me asking?


Active Member
Probation, they watch...So I can't bring in clean piss unless I figure out somethin supa slick haha. Ima jus excerise n try to burn it off I guess, hope for the best:P


Well-Known Member
In my experience, and also of a friends, this is what happened. She has smoked daily for decades, then got a job offer. She had a little over a week's warning for the pee test so she stopped. Spent the time between quitting and the test drinking LOTS of water and cranberry juice, passed the test no problem. Her friend had ingested cannibus a month prior, then didnt have anything but it showed up on her test. Same deal here


obijohn has a good idea, don't forget a final flush with pure water. This working will really depend on your weight believe it or not, your 6' 150lbs its gonna go a lot better than if you are 5' 300 lbs. They do have commercial flushes available, may consider that route as this would be a really bad one to fail. Although in many cases dilluted piss is a fail and they all (i believe) work on a flush and dilute theory, the exact same as the cranberry water idea. If you go the cranberry route, don't forget about cranberry sauce, really high cranberry content, and you can eat it not just have to drink it. Wash it down with cranberry juice for the week everytime you possibly can. Then spend 3 days flushing with pure water. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
I drank loads of water before my test, but to avoid the appearance of dilution I took a little protein and a lot of vitamin B. Makes your piss bright yellow normally, but with all the dilution it should look normal. Best thing tho, is to abstain for at LEAST a month before any test


Active Member
Im about 6 foot, I only weigh 120 lbs, it's super hard for me to gain weight as well, so hopefully excercising to burn off the THC stored in my fat cells will go smoothly.

Not only do I smoke weed, but I take a lot of upper pills like adderall and dexedrine, so my other question is, do those type of pills burn away any fat cells?