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    the ones in ontario suck. there is nothing there. just go to ebay and order it. it should come within 2 weeks if you have that much time. the one that i have is from ebay, i can see anywhere from 2-3 trichs to 10-15 (mind you that you cant really see if they are clear or cloudy from that...
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    Forgot to add, I got mine on ebay for less than $7 with shipping
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    I use it and I can see the trichs pretty well. I use it at max magnification and it works :D
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    Whitefly problem

    So, my white flies came back. It wasnt a big problem last time, but now my girls are about 2 weeks into flower and they have shown up. They are in a grow cab and I just want to ask all of you, what is a good, fast and easy way to get rid of them. I appreciate any advice :).
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    5 Products Better than Miracle Grow & under $10 At your local Home Depot

    No, dont get me wrong. I totally agree, micro nutrients are essential. MG might not have enough of them. I dont know that for sure, but I'm willing to take your word for it. As for people saying MG is total garbage, I think they are wrong. I got a small bucket of their water soluble nutrients...
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    Pic : with Lighting Question

    Let em heal before you switch to 12/12. Give em a day or so in my opinion. As for the dark period, I have heard of people doing it but I have not done it myself. Put your lights to 12/12 and your plant will do the rest.
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    First grow--feedback?

    For a first grow, sounds like you have done your research.
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    GRAPE APE! twisting & droopy leaf's (with pic's)

    you said twisting ... that usually indicates ph problems. If your ph is out of wack, your plant cant feed.
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    5 Products Better than Miracle Grow & under $10 At your local Home Depot

    I just want to say something. It all depends on the tools available to you. pH meter and ppm meter are key. I grew with MG 20-20-20. It was fine. The only problem that I had was the fact that I was growing in soil-less and I didnt know that there was absolutely no nutes in my ground (promix)...
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    GRAPE APE! twisting & droopy leaf's (with pic's)

    In my unprofessional opinion, your leaves look a bit discolored. Try feeding it some nutes. That was my problem, i grew in promix, and stunted the growth of my plant, yellow leaves and tips curled down. I fed it and it exploded with growth.
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    Sensi Grow a+B

    I use miracle gro 20-20-20. Does the trick.
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    First grow--feedback?

    Yeah, I dont understand why people have such negative outlooks on CFLs. They are fine to bud. HID might be better but they will do the trick. But on to more pressing matters, your plants look great. Thats great for a first grow. I like to hear that people are doing well at their first time.
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    seed issues with worldwide seed distributors. no germ!

    Sometimes not all seeds will germinate. Thats the harsh reality. With that being said, most people will buy 10 seeds or more. Just in case they might get some bad seeds. I got 3 seeds from single seed sales, killed one plant, one seed grew a tap root but never sprouted and one seed never took...
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    Trouble Determining Sex

    I second that, male!
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    Best, easy to find PH down

    pH up and down are cheap at hydro stores, cheaper then the aquarium ones. Plus, I dont think the chemicals in the aquarium are right for plants. From what I see online, the most common ph down is sodium bisulfate. Too much sulfer can never be a good thing.
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    Harvest And Flowering Question

    the lowryder needs some more time. IMHO, any plant over 4 inches tall is ripe for flowering lol. Thats my strategy since I have height restrictions. But the Kush will flower. It will grow so fast when you set it to 12/12. It will be like an explosion of growth.
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    I have learned my lesson.

    Im pretty happy so far. I have 1 mutant which I didnt know if I was supposed to be happy or not. 1 female, 3 males so far. I got 4 more on the way that are undetermined.
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    LST or what?

    look up super cropping. Thats what I am going to try on this grow.
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    How this

    Looks great, and as the others have said, they are stretching. They are beautiful.
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    I have learned my lesson.

    If you grow seed to bud, with little stress, then fem seeds should be right for you. I force flower, and Im a novice, so I stress my plants to shit lol. Had a fem, hermied, i got pissed and killed it lol. I had a few more seeds that didnt take. So I said the hell with it. Went to BCSEEDKING...