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    I have learned my lesson.

    Cut some clones off of the female and grow a forest and kill the males. Just a suggestion. I had some bad luck with feminized seeds.
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    on day 5 hang drying help !!!! please

    I waited till the stem bends and my buds were hard to keep lit. Give it some more time, and see what you get. Next time, you can change the process if you want. I think its all just how you like your buds.
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    GREAT!! I know its not heat stress or over watering. I went through that stage already. My other plants are fine. Its only this weird one. If I clone it, will the clones be all mutated and yield like crazy? just a thought.
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    Need some help deciding on CFL's

    It also depends on what bulbs you are using and how much lumens. I read that about 1200 lumens/ sq ft is minimum lighting. Around 3000 lumens is ideal. You are growing in a 4ft x 2 ft space = 8 sq ft. You will need about 24000 lumens to effectively grow. As roseman said 4 x 42w bulbs = 10...
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    Where can i get blue lights?

    I think he means UV. You can get a black light from any joke store. From what I have read, UV helps in production of thc or something like that. I cant remember for sure but I think he is on the right track. Try some local hydroponics stores or look online
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    Do Males Produce any bud??

    They will produce pollen sacks that look like grapes (very small in a green way). They do produce THC but not enough to get you remotely high. Its like smoking the leaves which we all know have very little - to no THC.
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    Thank you Ant Grows Dank, that is EXACTLY what I needed to hear :D. I wanted to know if it was worth trying to bud.
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    What could have caused this? Stress or God?
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    These pictures show the missing leaf. It grew like that which is wierd. This one shows how there are two leaves on one side (if you look closely). Its the same with the other side. Its a bunch of mish mash of leaves. There is one leave that has a long stem that sticks out and its just one...
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    Limiting Verticle Growth HELP!

    Well said resinraider. I second that. Didnt think of that.
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    Limiting Verticle Growth HELP!

    Im guessing they CAN slow down if they get root bound. Smaller container would do the trick but that would mean transplant and shock (which in your case can also slow down growth). You can also trim them, I guess but I dont think that would be too good of an idea. I hope this helps
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    I asked this same question on another part of the forum but it had no responses so I decided to cater to a different group of people. I have a plant. Its mutated. Leaves are fine, but the 3rd node only has one leaf growing. The stem looks bent but I guess its because there is a missing leaf...
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    A Question about Mutation

    One of my plants is growing very weirdly. On the second node, one leaf grew. The stem is kind of bent out of shape where the other leaf should be. I have little tiny leafs (16th of an inch) growing from it now. On top, its a bunch of mashed up leaves together. I think there is two nodes growing...
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    3 weeks into flower...bent stem! Am I f*cked?

    I think it will. Shock from snapping the stem, and then healing will probably divert energy from flowering. I would tie the main cola to a stick above the break so it can heal properly.I dont know if you can do anything about tying it down anymore until it heals.
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    Revegging after harvest question (w/ diagram)

    Give it a try and tell us. I would like to know.
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    Vegitiative state question

    I force flower after 16 days, Im supposed to get a 24 inch plant. I had a sprout die on me, by the time a new one germinated and sprouted, it was 4 days out of the ground and onto flowering. Turned out to be a male though. It showed its sex about 5 days later then the other males. It is...
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    Which is Better in YOUR opinion?

    what bulb are you using?
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    How long should I dry/cure a 2 foot plant with about 3oz on it?

    put a dehumidifier in the room. If you want to sample, just take a bud and put it in the microwave (from what I hear). What I do is I cut my bud leaving about 3 inches of stem that I can hold on to. I trim off all the main leaves. Hang it upside down for about 5-6 days depending on humidity...
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    Cannabinoids -- THC, CBD, CBN...Do you know the difference?

    Interesting read, havent stumbled across this but its good to know whats in your smoke, even though you grew it lol.
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    Has anyone ever tried?

    Well hemp is the plant without thc. So, in theory, I believe that you will produce a plant with one of three outcomes; a plant with the same thc content as the normal plant, a plant with less thc production, a plant with absolutely no thc content. I guess genetics plays a big factor in this one...