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    Hardest Thing You've Laughed At While High?

    one time, when I was younger, we were smoking in my friends garage. We were high as shit and paranoid. We heard a car pull up into the driveway. Fearing for our lives, we sat quietly for what must have been 4 hours. Actually it was more like 30 seconds, but my buddy summed up the courage to...
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    Skunk #1 harvest at 50 days?

    I got a microscope from ebay at like $7 with shipping. Took about a week to come in. 60-100x magnification. Its enough to see the trichs.
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    Drying temperature question

    So, I have an infestation of whitefly. Its not too bad, I've spotted about 10-15 of them. I am nearing harvest time, 7 days, give or take. I know that when the bud starts to dry, they will slowly die off. I want to kill all of them off. What is a good low temperature to dry my bud, while...
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    Advice for little white flies

    Wow, great answer. I will do that and thank you for the info.
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    Advice for little white flies

    Will it affect my harvest? I'm in the process of flushing. How long should I wait till I grow again? My "space" that I am growing in is about 6 feet long by 6 feet wide. It also has one small air intake and one small exhaust. How long would it take till those buggers die?
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    Advice for little white flies

    I just need some advice. I have noticed a little white fly fly off of my bud (that was a confusing sentence) about a month ago. I thought I was just high. Anyways, I'm about 9 days away from harvest, and I have noticed there is a few of them now. I havent noticed any problems to my plant. I...
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    White Leaves

    i've never got this far. this was a great learning experience. Thanks for the help!!
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    White Leaves

    For anyone wondering, or researching, turns out it was N-def. I flushed, which did nothing, it looked like it made it worse. I watered with 450 ppm 20-20-20 miracle grow, and it was a effing miracle. The next day, they grew over an inch. One actually showed its sex, or looks like it. It might...
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    White Leaves

    Im not planning to grow 1/2 lb or anything. I just want a small amount that will last me. Phenom, I'm growing BC Mango which is short an bushy. According to the book, my plant is on track, mind you the one in the pictures is a little small. My fastest growing one is on its 6th node while the...
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    White Leaves

    Im following the book, buds for less .. but seemorebuds put them in miracle grow soil with nutes in it, and I read that promix does not have any nutes in it. So i decided to give them a very light dose. About 70 ppm of nutes on top of my tap water. 12/12 started on day 16 just like in the book...
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    White Leaves

    Doc, so you're saying I should be at 400-800 ppm? Just feed them and they should be back to green? I dont want to cut off leaves since im trying to bud them lol.
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    White Leaves

    As requested. They went this color fast!!, its sort of a yellowish white. The leaf feels like any other leaf. They have been watered yesterday, hence the droopiness. Sorry for the poor quality pictures.
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    how hot is too hot?

    Ive had that problem. My temps were over 105 for the whole day. No problems so far. As long as it was handled asap and the temps are back down, they will thrive again. Keep in mind, these are weeds. They are as hard to kill as the ones on your front lawn. Seeing as you have a "hut", you might...
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    White Leaves

    Hey all, I just came by my plants and noticed that I have a few of my leaves turning white. Its only on the lower leaves, the ones with a single blade. My plants are about 25 days old. 12/12 light on day 16. There is a computer fan on them. When I mean white, I mean white. the whole leaf...
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    Odor Control (Ionic Air)

    I have a few questions for some people about odor control. Ionic Air, does it work to decrease or even stop odor? If so, is it directly pointed at the plant (blowing on the plant)? I have 4 plants, unsexed hoping for 2 of em to be fems. Best case scenario 4 females, worst 1 female. In the...
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    Twisting leaves

    Agreed! thats what I am going to be doing.
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    Twisting leaves

    Hello, Im growing in LED. I watered with 406 ppm for my first time some time ago. My plant is about 4 inches. After a week or so, I watered with about 350 ppm, and it started to burn. So I flushed. It continued. Thought i effed up the pH so I carefully removed the plant from its pot, shook...
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    my new stealth grow room *pics!*

    I wouldnt take any advice from me if I were you... Just burnt the shit out of my plant. Hopefully it recovers. But I know, when growing in soil, about 4 weeks into veg is good. And even then, its like once every 3-4th watering.
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    Sugar Blossom, Rubbermaid/CFL, Second Grow

    looks delicious!
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    pc fan noise in a wardrobe

    I got a $20 computer power supply, which came with two fans. They are uber silent. So for $20, you get a power supply to drive the fans and 2 silent fans. Hope I helped