White Leaves


Active Member
Hey all,

I just came by my plants and noticed that I have a few of my leaves turning white.

Its only on the lower leaves, the ones with a single blade. My plants are about 25 days old.

12/12 light on day 16. There is a computer fan on them.

When I mean white, I mean white. the whole leaf. It is only on one plant.

I use promix straight out of the bag with nothing mixed in.

I water with pH'ed tap water at around 150 ppm.

I fed them once with miracle grow 20-20-20 at 220 ppm. So that might account for some yellowing of my leaves.

So I read around and came across two things. Wind burn in tomatoes and Mg def. Could someone help me out? If needed, I can provide pictures but tomorrow since my babies are sleeping.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Need pic!

It's not wind burn or Mg def, those look very different than what you described...

Severe Copper deficinecy can make leaves white. Also, thrips, if they've dug in there good.

Seriously, without a pic, this is all guesswork.


Active Member
As requested.

They went this color fast!!, its sort of a yellowish white. The leaf feels like any other leaf.

They have been watered yesterday, hence the droopiness.

Sorry for the poor quality pictures.
cut the bottom leaves off , the top looks good , can't tell with the quality of the pics but make sure humidity levels are good and proper watering as don't water to much and check ph and look at the bottom for insects but i don't think its a insect problem and be gentle to your baby's as there real young ...


Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
This is N def. I've reread your first post... 150ppm at 25 days!?

Seedlings should be around 50-150 PPM
Unrooted clones to be around 100-350 PPM
small plants to be around 400-800 PPM
large plants to be around 900-1800 PPM

Your plant clearly needs at least double of what you're feeding her.


Active Member
This is N def. I've reread your first post... 150ppm at 25 days!?

Seedlings should be around 50-150 PPM
Unrooted clones to be around 100-350 PPM
small plants to be around 400-800 PPM
large plants to be around 900-1800 PPM

Your plant clearly needs at least double of what you're feeding her.

Doc, so you're saying I should be at 400-800 ppm?

Just feed them and they should be back to green?

I dont want to cut off leaves since im trying to bud them lol.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
My guess is nute burn. Those babies are pretty small for nutes and a 12/12 light cycle.Thats for flower. They need more light when they are that small. I dont feed mine anything except Clonex till they are 4-5 weeks old. I have found that over feeding causes deficencys. I would flush them first. Then let them dry and then use avery mild mix to feed them for a while.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure that it's N def. But too ease your mind, flush and see if the problem advances. If it doesn't, it was jus nute burn, if it does, it's N def.


Active Member
Im following the book, buds for less .. but seemorebuds put them in miracle grow soil with nutes in it, and I read that promix does not have any nutes in it. So i decided to give them a very light dose. About 70 ppm of nutes on top of my tap water.

12/12 started on day 16 just like in the book.

So I am reading that people are saying N def, some people are saying nute burn. I will flush and see what happens.

I've had a plant with nute burn, and the leaf turns crispy starting from the tip, but the rest of the leaf is still green. In this case, the leaf feels like a leaf, just white-ish yellow-ish, Im guessing a lack of chlorophyll or w/e (im no expert). That plant was feminized and hermied on me.

i need a new camera lol. cellphone snapshots just wont cut it.


Well-Known Member
Im following the book, buds for less .. but seemorebuds put them in miracle grow soil with nutes in it, and I read that promix does not have any nutes in it. So i decided to give them a very light dose. About 70 ppm of nutes on top of my tap water.

12/12 started on day 16 just like in the book.

So I am reading that people are saying N def, some people are saying nute burn. I will flush and see what happens.

I've had a plant with nute burn, and the leaf turns crispy starting from the tip, but the rest of the leaf is still green. In this case, the leaf feels like a leaf, just white-ish yellow-ish, Im guessing a lack of chlorophyll or w/e (im no expert). That plant was feminized and hermied on me.

i need a new camera lol. cellphone snapshots just wont cut it.
Yeah I don't use books, that's what RIU is for. Well by the book man, look at yours at 25 days and look at mine at 25 days

30 days from putting the seed in the ground.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
And I dont give nutes until they look ready and are atleast 3 weeks old, a book can only help so much, it cant do it all and I wouldnt go step by step.
That was all under their conditions, and the nfo could be outdated and incorrect.


Well-Known Member
My first thought was that it needs food, thus the whiting. What's there has sucked the goods out of the bleached leave in its effort to survive and thrive.
I'm not sure why SMBuds implies such a small plant-ling would be ready for 12/12, but it's awfully small, IMO . . . and harvest may be affected.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Im following the book, buds for less .. but seemorebuds put them in miracle grow soil with nutes in it, and I read that promix does not have any nutes in it. So i decided to give them a very light dose. About 70 ppm of nutes on top of my tap water.

12/12 started on day 16 just like in the book.

So I am reading that people are saying N def, some people are saying nute burn. I will flush and see what happens.

I've had a plant with nute burn, and the leaf turns crispy starting from the tip, but the rest of the leaf is still green. In this case, the leaf feels like a leaf, just white-ish yellow-ish, Im guessing a lack of chlorophyll or w/e (im no expert). That plant was feminized and hermied on me.

i need a new camera lol. cellphone snapshots just wont cut it.
It's normal for the first set of true leaves to die off. They look fine.

Give half strength nutes

Brick Top

New Member

Lower leaves yellow and may even turn white while veins remain dark green. Blades die and curl upward

Zn - ZINC (Zn)

White areas form at leaf tips and between veins. Occurs in alkaline soils. Zn deficiency can be treated by burying galvanized nails in the soil. Chemical fertilizer containing Zn can also be used.

Bottom leaves will lighten in color and die but it seems pretty early in growth for that to happen unless there is a cause like one of the deficiencies mentioned above and or very poor lighting.


Well-Known Member
My first thought was that it needs food, thus the whiting. What's there has sucked the goods out of the bleached leave in its effort to survive and thrive.
I'm not sure why SMBuds implies such a small plant-ling would be ready for 12/12, but it's awfully small, IMO . . . and harvest may be affected.
Harvest will be affected, learn and grow better. That's how we all learn.

White does look like it need nutes but may be way over in other nutes or maybe a nute lockup is going on. Again MG products aren't great at all, nothing miracle about them, unless you get good results then that's THE miriacle. LMFAO
Im outta here guys havpyy toking:bigjoint:


Active Member
Im not planning to grow 1/2 lb or anything. I just want a small amount that will last me.

Phenom, I'm growing BC Mango which is short an bushy. According to the book, my plant is on track, mind you the one in the pictures is a little small. My fastest growing one is on its 6th node while the other two are on their 5th.

Im using this book as a guide, my last plant died because of misinformation. I know a dude that is also giving me advice and he says most things floating online is misinformation. Do it, see what you get, and next time improve (as some of you said). Hes messed up some plants and thought it would affect his yield and that very same plant yielded his personal record. So go figure.

I flushed. The top leaves seem unaffected. Only the single blades have been affected. Hopefully it doesnt keep happening on me. That plant is the worst, then there is another who is growing slightly faster and it is barely affected, and then the third one surprised me because it has been growing faster then I thought (germinated in rooting hormone powder, not sure if that is a factor).

If it spreads, ill come back and ask for some more suggestions. Maybe root rot causing my plant not to absorb properly? just a thought, I water all the plants the same.