Twisting leaves


Active Member

Im growing in LED.

I watered with 406 ppm for my first time some time ago. My plant is about 4 inches.

After a week or so, I watered with about 350 ppm, and it started to burn. So I flushed. It continued. Thought i effed up the pH so I carefully removed the plant from its pot, shook off excess soil (keep in mind my pot is a 6x6x6, and my root system is very small) and replanted it in new soil. Shock, I know.

My plant is loosing its color from the bottom leaves and its working its way up. The top/new leaves seem a nice green. The plant used to be a dark green before I burned it.

The bottom leaves are a light light green slowly turning yellow. There are burn marks at the old leaves on the tips.

Sign of nute burn. (oh yeah I grow in promix soil).

After it being flushed and over watered, I got a water meter and waited till the soil became dry enough to water. And I watered it today with tap water.

Now what confuses me is not what I mentioned above, thats background info, i know im burning it.

Im very confused because the bottom leaves (three leafed leave) and twisting itself vertical. I had the tips twisting in its infancy stage but never like this.

What could this be? I looked into it but It could be a lot of things, and I would rather ask a pro that knows the more common problems.

Thanks a bunch in advance, +rep for any help :D


Well-Known Member

Im growing in LED.

I watered with 406 ppm for my first time some time ago. My plant is about 4 inches.

After a week or so, I watered with about 350 ppm, and it started to burn. So I flushed. It continued. Thought i effed up the pH so I carefully removed the plant from its pot, shook off excess soil (keep in mind my pot is a 6x6x6, and my root system is very small) and replanted it in new soil. Shock, I know.

My plant is loosing its color from the bottom leaves and its working its way up. The top/new leaves seem a nice green. The plant used to be a dark green before I burned it.

The bottom leaves are a light light green slowly turning yellow. There are burn marks at the old leaves on the tips.

Sign of nute burn. (oh yeah I grow in promix soil).

After it being flushed and over watered, I got a water meter and waited till the soil became dry enough to water. And I watered it today with tap water.

Now what confuses me is not what I mentioned above, thats background info, i know im burning it.

Im very confused because the bottom leaves (three leafed leave) and twisting itself vertical. I had the tips twisting in its infancy stage but never like this.

What could this be? I looked into it but It could be a lot of things, and I would rather ask a pro that knows the more common problems.

Thanks a bunch in advance, +rep for any help :D
Usually twisting of the leaves indicates pH problems.


Is it normal to have twisted leaves in seedlings? 4 days old and almost dropping their two round leaves.. but some of the new leaves are twisting, and it's only on 1 or 2 out of my six plants..


Well-Known Member
Is it normal to have twisted leaves in seedlings? 4 days old and almost dropping their two round leaves.. but some of the new leaves are twisting, and it's only on 1 or 2 out of my six plants..
I don't know if it's normal or not. I have seen this with some seedlings before. I think a lot of it depends on the individual seedling. Are you checking your pH?


I don't know if it's normal or not. I have seen this with some seedlings before. I think a lot of it depends on the individual seedling. Are you checking your pH?

Well yes and it's staying at a pretty solid 7.0
I haven't added nutes yet because im only vegging for 10 days for root grouth, this is a 12/12 grow.

It's weird cuz it's all the same batch of seeds, The Flying Dutchmen the Pure, but they're all growing so different. And some look like I either burned it with light or it's PH is fucking up, which means i need a new digi meter.

You can see the rust color at the very end of the leaf


Well-Known Member
Well yes and it's staying at a pretty solid 7.0
I haven't added nutes yet because im only vegging for 10 days for root grouth, this is a 12/12 grow.

It's weird cuz it's all the same batch of seeds, The Flying Dutchmen the Pure, but they're all growing so different. And some look like I either burned it with light or it's PH is fucking up, which means i need a new digi meter.

You can see the rust color at the very end of the leaf
Are you feeding it yet?


Well-Known Member
Well yes and it's staying at a pretty solid 7.0
I haven't added nutes yet because im only vegging for 10 days for root grouth, this is a 12/12 grow.

It's weird cuz it's all the same batch of seeds, The Flying Dutchmen the Pure, but they're all growing so different. And some look like I either burned it with light or it's PH is fucking up, which means i need a new digi meter.

You can see the rust color at the very end of the leaf
Do you calibrate your meter at all?


Am I feeding it? Water only for now, as the soil as a n-p-k value enough for at least two weeks. As for my meter yes I do, but I've had it for 2 years and have dropped it quite a bit =]
I thought it might have been from too much light, I was keeping those motherflunkers probably too close for a while.

What do you think? And another Q if you don't mind. i was wondering if, when I switch to 12/12 in a few days, when I should start my bloom nutes? they are 5-15-7 ORCHID bloom nutes.


Well-Known Member
Am I feeding it? Water only for now, as the soil as a n-p-k value enough for at least two weeks. As for my meter yes I do, but I've had it for 2 years and have dropped it quite a bit =]
I thought it might have been from too much light, I was keeping those motherflunkers probably too close for a while.

What do you think? And another Q if you don't mind. i was wondering if, when I switch to 12/12 in a few days, when I should start my bloom nutes? they are 5-15-7 ORCHID bloom nutes.
I would start them at the first sign of flowering. What kind of light are you using on that lil guy? Or girl, hopefully


I would start them at the first sign of flowering. What kind of light are you using on that lil guy? Or girl, hopefully

Thanks for the tip!
Well, I have 6 of thesee HOPEFULLY girls, and they are under 2 CFLs each, but are very close to each other to get the best lighting for all. I have plans to at least try and make it 5CFLs per plant, but i still have no idea how big they will get. So we'll see.
I have the bulbs already so I'm ready.. lol
I have one outdoor for kicks too [not enough room indoors so just through it out there lol]
I'm probably going to bring it in tho. Only if the seedling I dropped the CFL completely dies..
It's 75% sativa. =]

if 5 or more are females tho, I'll be breeding a single cola on one plant, and start again right after harvest =]
Unfortunetly, I am still uneasy about talking about my whole plants progress on public forums, So I canceld my journal. The last thing I need on a first grow is a search warrent...:neutral:


Active Member
if 5 or more are females tho, I'll be breeding a single cola on one plant, and start again right after harvest =]
Unfortunetly, I am still uneasy about talking about my whole plants progress on public forums, So I canceld my journal. The last thing I need on a first grow is a search warrent...:neutral:

Agreed! thats what I am going to be doing.