Sugar Blossom, Rubbermaid/CFL, Second Grow


Well-Known Member
She'll be all amber if I left it until 60. I checked the trichs again last night and was seeing 60-70% amber heads on pieces of leaves taken from the top colas and 20-30% amber heads of leaves taken from the middle flowers. All pistils are brown at this point, so although day wise (day 48 ) it seems too early, I can't ignore the fact that there are no more white pistils being put out, and the trichs are amber.

I am waiting for the lights to come on and then I'll check her over again. If I see what I have already seen then its chop chop tonight.


Well-Known Member
Ok true true... I just read a thread on harvesting you should check it out. Its in the harvest and curing section. Its uhhhh Zues's Harvest method. He had some really great eye opening info on there foreal check it out bro.



Well-Known Member
hah thats funny I literally just read that in the harvesting section. This is where my problem is, if I still had white hairs and amber trich, I'd leave it, but since have brown hairs that have receded, and amber trichs, I am confused.

Maybe I should just leave it, I don't care about smoking it, because I have a good stash left from last grow. It seems weird that I am at day 47 this grow and harvested last grow at day 77! Same genetics too. This grow did start showing hairs and flowering 3 weeks earlier though......

Whatever, I guess the mid to bottom flowers still are at 20-30% amber I can leave her for another week.


Well-Known Member
Great minds think alike bro lmao....

How long did you veg the first grow compared to this grow? More veg time makes them show hairs a bit faster. Also same genetics but maybe a different pheno type ya never know.

If in a week the lower buds are still not done just harvest what is done and keep the lower buds for another week after. I've seen this done many times with success. But really your buds look spectacular bro foreal :clap: job well done.

And damn you still have some of your last harvest? You must not smoke that often. Shit I smoke like all day everyday when I have bud that is, its freaking dry as hell around these parts. I got like 3 more months till I have bud again also ....... Oh well I should be getting some weight when I do get it.



Active Member
your plants this gorw compaired to last grow are nuts... like your day 11 photo you showed me compaired the each was a seedling at day 11 and the other was a fuckin 4 -5 node beastling... cant imagin you being pro so fast..but excellent conditions in watering/care giving gave you lot less stress

2nd grow -- 100 times better then your first in my eye... keep on truckin


Well-Known Member
your plants this gorw compaired to last grow are nuts... like your day 11 photo you showed me compaired the each was a seedling at day 11 and the other was a fuckin 4 -5 node beastling... cant imagin you being pro so fast..but excellent conditions in watering/care giving gave you lot less stress

2nd grow -- 100 times better then your first in my eye... keep on truckin
Thanks Limited, much appreciated. I'm really pleased how the lady has developed thus far. Still not sure on harvesting times though.


Well-Known Member
DAY 48 OF 12/12

Here's lots of pics of the lady, what do you guys think?

Close ups:

And finally here are a few of the next generation. Put my last four SB seeds into soil after two days in moist paper towel. Fingers crossed for seedlings.



Well-Known Member
Dude I agree. If those buds look done then clip'em You can leave the lower ones for a bit longer. They do look great BTW! Good luck on the youngens!


Well-Known Member
DAY 50 OF 12/12

Harvest time, she matured a lot faster than my first grow, most likely due to the difference in temperatures.

I am pretty happy with how she turned out, super frosty and sticky. I also have three seedlings that have broke ground! Anyways here's some pics:

Fan leaves cut off and left with one cola:




Well-Known Member
:clap: great job bro the nugs look top notch. I"m sure the smoke is pretty good. I can't wait till my lady bounces back so I can throw her in flowering.



Well-Known Member
Thanks everybody for the compliments! :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

Well I've dried for 8 days and now am starting to cure. I weighed the nugs tonight and am pretty happy with the yield, 40g, filled up three mason jars. I will be sampling a bowl later tonight. I also have some trim that I will be grinding up and trying to make some cannabutter with the trim from last grow.

Here are some final bud shots to finish off this journal, thanks for reading!
