White Leaves


Well-Known Member
Well happy growing there then.
Doesnt matter if your wanting 1/2lb you said you wanted some moke to last you, well good luck with all that.
Loads of info online is BS, that's why this community is here, you can't get in a book what you get in here.
Im outta this thread all the luck to ya


Active Member
For anyone wondering, or researching, turns out it was N-def. I flushed, which did nothing, it looked like it made it worse. I watered with 450 ppm 20-20-20 miracle grow, and it was a effing miracle. The next day, they grew over an inch.

One actually showed its sex, or looks like it. It might be a male. Its the one with the largest growth. It grew 2 effing nodes in one night, and showed what looks like are balls. I read that it is still to early because these balls might just open up hairs, and just be leaves.

The top looks like thin hairy leaves. Anyways, im super excited, +rep for help and for people that helped :D.