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  1. 2

    help needed

    hi everyone how much light would you say is needed per plant i hav 16 plants at diffrent ages growing under a 600 watt super nova plants are growin but some more than other what would you advise do they need more light or not and what yeild would you exspect to come from this at a rough estimate...
  2. 2

    information needed on lights room ect

    also wondering why the leafes are curling around each other on some plants any help wud b greatful on any of the questions
  3. 2

    information needed on lights room ect

    hi people how much light would you say is needed per plant i hav 16 plants at diffrent ages growing under a 600 watt super nova plants are growin but some more than other what would you advise do they need more light or not and what yeild would you exspect to come from this at a rough estimate...
  4. 2

    amount of plants per watts

    i also would like to add i am using bio all mix soil about 2-3 litre a pot. ive herd it has nutrients for the first month and they look ok just some are drooping as i say. we are using bio grow and bio bloom ino how to work these but when is it safe to start using bio grow ,is ther enough...
  5. 2

    amount of plants per watts

    how may plants would you recommend to put under 1000 watt
  6. 2

    new grower

    another question for people what size area should i hav 16 plants in roughly to produce a good grow and also is the 400 watt givin enough light off they range from i hav 8 blue cheese at 2-3 inces with 6 leafes and 7 norther lights at 5-8 inches and 1 ice about 12 inches none are further than a...
  7. 2

    new grower

    thanks ill try tht and see how i get on another question i hav is do u think i hav enought light i am usin a 400 watt lamp on 16 plants but i have a 600 super nova should i swap them over or use both?
  8. 2

    new grower

    thanks you and gud look to you too
  9. 2

    new grower

    we should have pics uploaded in a few days we hav a 400 watt to 14 young plants the avarage temp in the room is 30-33 degrees C wen lights on n 21-23 degrees C wen off we hav been guessin how much water to use day by day as we cannot find aNY wery on the internet that will give us A avarage...
  10. 2

    new grower

    i am a new grower that has recently started and hav got certian plants on the go i feel i am havin trouble as to how much they should be watered and wonderd if anybody had any usefull tips atm the leaves are startin to curl and feel i am not using enuf water if any one could help i would realy...