new grower

i am a new grower that has recently started and hav got certian plants on the go i feel i am havin trouble as to how much they should be watered and wonderd if anybody had any usefull tips atm the leaves are startin to curl and feel i am not using enuf water if any one could help i would realy appresiate it ther coming into the 4th week now and are roughley 6-7 inch tall any info is gratefull thanks


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :hump:

Way too many factors to give you a good answer other than water them and then wait until they are dry to water again.

northern cali

Active Member
Wheres the pics and are you using nutes I water everyother day and if the leaves are curling maybe its heat how hot is you grow room
we should have pics uploaded in a few days we hav a 400 watt to 14 young plants the avarage temp in the room is 30-33 degrees C wen lights on n 21-23 degrees C wen off we hav been guessin how much water to use day by day as we cannot find aNY wery on the internet that will give us A avarage ammount and yes we hav jus started using neuts we hav a oscilating fan on constantly but leaves are slightly saggin down and as for water wer soaking them everyday once a day we hav also trimmed a few leafes off as they wer loosin colour


Active Member
If you are giving them a drink everyday they may be drowning!! They like the soil to get almost dry before watering. Once you post some pics you'll get more advice from the pros... I'm new too. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
General rule of thumb for any plant life growing in dirt is to take your booger finger and scratch a little trench in the dirt in the general vicinity of the plant. If the dirt feels dry after you dig an inch or two, it need some water. If it feels moist in that depth span it don't need none. Simple huh? You can also calcuate that it needs about an inch of rain a week. Could be some exceptions for soil types etc. The scratch test is best. Hope this helps.
thanks ill try tht and see how i get on another question i hav is do u think i hav enought light i am usin a 400 watt lamp on 16 plants but i have a 600 super nova should i swap them over or use both?


Well-Known Member
If they're not seedlings use both lights.
You are droning them by keeping them wet all the time. When you water you do want to soak them fully but then you must let them go dry before watering again. Waterning all the time and keeping them too wet leads to all kinds of problems. The wilting you have now is nothing compared to if you keep that up. Water, let dry, water, let dry. You don't need to go digging in the dirt or get a meter you just pick up the pots and you can tell when they're really light and dry versus wet and heavy. Also the plants will tell you by wilting when dry and it's ok to go to a little wilting, just not beyond that.
I am new to this site and I need some advice. I want to get started growing my own supply. We have a local store that sells the equipment and I went there today and priced a few things. He is trying to sell me a Lumatek 1000 watt system that goes both MH and HPS which is what I want after exhaustive research on the matter. I have been to HTG's site to check their prices against his and was suprised to find that there was only a $90 difference. I was wondering if I couldn't go with a Digital Greenhouse system vs the Lumatek because the cost is $250 less. Also I was told by him that the 1000 watt system was the only way to go because it could only grow a 7'x5'x5' area. I wanted to go with a 600 watt system because it is cheaper and will use less electricity. What do you all think?:-|
another question for people what size area should i hav 16 plants in roughly to produce a good grow and also is the 400 watt givin enough light off they range from i hav 8 blue cheese at 2-3 inces with 6 leafes and 7 norther lights at 5-8 inches and 1 ice about 12 inches none are further than a month in