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  1. pagger

    advise needed.

    ditch using a table unless its a workbench type ? if for eney reason that table goes over it would drag over the bigger tent! make a base you know wont callapse .
  2. pagger

    Thermal detection 400 watt or 600 watt hps lamp

    newbie4485 like already pointed out its the amount of heat that gives people away not light. if youre just using the one 600w then scrubb and blow into loft bt be carefull of it starting to make loft damp cos of warm air hitting cold! the usual percy grower doing a cupple plants and a 600 is...
  3. pagger

    what do I use for 8" outdoor exhaust port?

    ground floor? first floor? loft? can ya not just re-use the scrubbed air to heat youre house? i use two 6L rucks and one goes up my chimney the other into a room once scrubbed clean its free heat after all well not totally free but you get the drift! i hear you about the usaul 4i outlets they...
  4. pagger

    400watt hps cupboard advice/tips

    no scrubber? what strain ya growing cos evern the low smell plants r smelly in bud mate trust a fellow uk grower get kitted up properly first dont wont to stink out the street good luck
  5. pagger

    Perpetual Harvest Advice.

    8 weeks veg 4 plants will bush out so i would go 4 veg take cutts off veg so allways have anough incase eney probs and 10oz is way achievable with less than 4 evern one givern if it has all perfect conditions. also consider training em scrog bondage eneything to help make em produce more tops .i...
  6. pagger

    1030 it enough?

    i have one of those and boy does it make noise so i hung it up on a bungee cord no way would i be doing 20 to 30 dwc stand alone buckets you kneed to hook em up or think smaller numbers mate youll have no life lol.
  7. pagger


    think they as in the seed comps and clone talk em up loads there is way too meny diffrent things can change yeild , if you r a nubie shoot for a lot smaller than usaull and eneything over is a bonus. read up as much as poss about ways to improve but kiss keep it simple stupid. lol good luck
  8. pagger

    Closet grow room help

    carbon filter inline fan duct hole in floor out goes the heat and no smell, make sure you have it hung up from high cos of heat then like said vent it down through floor you r in usa i dont know what makes r but in uk rvk ruck and so on .
  9. pagger

    My first setup let me know what you think..

    yup it does involve some work y dont you just stud wall with poly tacked on split room to size you need then cupple of vents for air passage ? rugs will bring bugs mate no two ways about it either dump it or cover it with floor secure. y not have a 2x4 frame with the plastic roof type stuff on...
  10. pagger

    How do I handle the summer heat?

    where r you ? which desert? fricking 110f ouch :wall:
  11. pagger

    How to setup grow room?

    hi smig sorry to hear bout ya accident lifes a bitch but hey we move on. first of all excuse the spelling am shit lol what size room ,tent cubboard you got? that hydro system would take two mins to put together your self at a fraction of the price ! secondly if i was a noob again well in ways we...
  12. pagger

    10x10 room

    nice rooms budwich i used to tell my bro its not all about the number of plants but the number of oz at the end of it. i would pull of two what him n his mate used to pull of 8? wheres the logic in that! never listerns lol.thanks for showing room very nice.
  13. pagger

    Dream Light set up

    yup me too gravita rock
  14. pagger

    South America Set Up!

    nope but orca comes close ! used it last cupple go,s just inbetween new room will be done out with the same stuff damm its costly !
  15. pagger

    75watt bulb good for growing

    depends on what couler temp it is some lizzard reptile lights can be used but he deffo needs to do some google searching n reading up cos if he dont know what lights n were to get a bulb esp cfls tghen hes shot the dog lol.
  16. pagger

    still not up mashed? checked just now!

    still not up mashed? checked just now!
  17. pagger

    do i have to get all the root matter out of hydroton before reusing?

    axl its deffo the salt biuld up ya need rid of more than enething else mate i used to just wash em till 65% root were out but when i stuck mi last girls in some pebbs i got all sort of probs n it was all down to the newts from grow b4 wich were burning arse off mi plant mate so h202 bathtub good...
  18. pagger

    2 Week Old DWC Plant showing some Leaf Discoloration

    hi mate ya need that tds meter quick mate guess work all well good but not so with hydro! shes looking ok besides what looks like either a newt burn or i was thinking a spill on leaves with ya newts n lights burnt it but dont know how hot the t5 gets? poss mag diff id cut the newts for day or...
  19. pagger

    3 weeks in to flowering how does she look

    hi blaze ya say 5 weeks n hasernt kicked in ? is she under hps or cfl? hope it turns out ok some r just slow assed n mashed up looking good mate!!