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  1. pagger

    identify and solution plz :)

    did you rinse them clay pebbs good? then soak for few hours at 5.5 to 5.7? i thought my tap water was high at 250 ppm but yours is high as frick also ya have it at 1400ppm now? how old is she? see them clay pebbs not rinsed n soaked properly do the ph no good at all it could be like that for...
  2. pagger

    Two weeks in to flower

    shits lookin good n where ya get that tent from looking good mate in the green soon mi thinks lol also take cupple pics with light off be better ok mate !!
  3. pagger

    Need help with germination + early growth stage

    germ 6 of ya 20 seeds put em in ya rockwool. veg em in hempy sellect 2 of best for mums! probs get cupple males eney how wich ya dump then take cutts from them two picked out ones n stick em in ya bucketts once rooted well! then flower ya mums off ya dont wont or need! always take extra cutts...
  4. pagger

    mashed up commented on cupple ya posts ok mate looking good!!!

    mashed up commented on cupple ya posts ok mate looking good!!!
  5. pagger

    now under 150 instead of cfls got air flowing to light

    yeah gonna blow up itl think all its crimbos come at once lol
  6. pagger

    10 weeks in to growth going two more weeks then flower

    with a 1000w of course thats poss i do it with a 600 mate n hes used a few low wat cfls know what i am saying is ya all know cfl r going to be slower than a 1000w also think he shud have wrote it out better but hay heson newbie sec isernt he ? so why not give helpfull info instead of hittingwith...
  7. pagger

    bet ya chuffed at aving got though it mate? know i was on my first lol still do its a top...

    bet ya chuffed at aving got though it mate? know i was on my first lol still do its a top feelling init? well done n hope r mashed up pulls sommet out the bag this time hes ditermined lol!!
  8. pagger

    10 weeks in to growth going two more weeks then flower

    show us ya plants ? come on show us how ya cud do it in 4weeks? yav got 500 od posts about shit n ya come taking piss when hes got the balls to show us his plant? by way it was under cfl most of that time ! we all know they r way slower n we not all pro's r we? looks ok to me nice healthy ok a...
  9. pagger

    Super Lemon Haze.... WTF :-(

    firstly mate av not had no probs from attitude scond yes diff phenos show but sounds like ya got a lot ther?sure yav not stunted non of them during veg was lights closer to some than others see when yav got ten under a 400 then said light wont cut it in my opp mate i use a 600hps digi for no...
  10. pagger

    DIY HERB DRYER what dew think? what could i change?

    dipends on wat ya got planned 4 em if its a cash crop give em week hung n week in brown paper bags rolled loosly then see how they r? if there 4 smoke 4 ya sen gi em 10 days hung about same in paper bag n then jar em burping em so they dont go moldy n if they show dampness at eney stage drop...
  11. pagger

    noob question about temperature

    weed likes warm climates mate when its cold they can stop growing n evern die n ware i grow i had very low temps outside ast year but my room was always at 75f ok might av dropped a cupple f at night but i had heater with a thermistat mate if it dropped say to 70 it kicked in till it was 75...
  12. pagger

    Timing on hydroponic irrigation

    drip system i use n as clones in rockwool in clay pebbs 3 15min feeds light on one feed light off peeps will say y feed wen no use to plants as they wont feed? i do it to keep roots airated as the water will be aireated also as they grow hit em with extra feeds n find there sweet spot no plants...
  13. pagger

    Do I need to hang my carbon filter from the ceiling or can I leave it on the ground

    as the man said its better having it in place ware the heat is up top n smell too travels with heat ya can av it at ground but be a bit of a wast inmy opp mate ya cud also have ya ducting sucking it out tent room n through ya cf outside of tent its same eneyways ! ok mate!
  14. pagger

    Grow box heat issue

    sorry my mistake shud av known it was stealth with it been boxed up like that ! yses just dubble up on ya comp fans then ! also is it in a cool cubby? or is temps going to be warm ther too? just thinking of ware ya placing it might have sommet to do with temps? just babbling on mate good look!
  15. pagger

    250w tent grow- g force

    might be better mate with less bends in that duckting the less bends the better air flow ya gonna get! also r ya pumping ya used air into a room other than the one ya tent is in? cos yal just heat that room right up!!
  16. pagger

    HPS ventalation HELP!!! +rep

    i see no carbon filter in ya set up? ya going in flower soon too? do it right dont skimp on ya grow mate yal loose the lot do it right get rid of the smell n heat in one! carbon filter mate goooooooooood lol !!! rep me up too lol
  17. pagger

    Any point in a carbon filter if using coolshadt/tube?

    where is ya extractoin going ? into a room loft or out the window? ya do need a cf mate either way someone smells that n next thing doors kicked in by police or a theiving twat lol carbon filters r if not the most needed thing in a indoor grow its defo second!!!
  18. pagger

    Grow box heat issue

    skip the comp fan put a toilet fan in itl solve it more than the comp fan ! ups forgot to say use ya comp fan then as intake n the toilet as extractoin itl get bit neg pressure going mate!
  19. pagger

    seedling days old

    hi mate just repot up to ware them fist leafs r the catalons theyl b fine what r they? just upped a cupple rocklocks n a northern light mi sen about same stage good luck
  20. pagger

    How to be self sufficent?

    how big is ya one room? cud ya knock a clone veg cab 2gether n have room to flower ? it realy needs to be light tight as sbkiller above says n ya cud also get one of those small tents if ya not a diyer? ya dont kneed much of a light for mums clones a cupple cfls do it.