Timing on hydroponic irrigation

Can anyone give some feedback on how often an ebb & flow table or a even a drip/flow system should cycle (using say 6" rockwool cubes assuming pH and nutrients are all good)??

Is it a matter of how large and/or mature the plants are or is it a matter of keeping the cubes at a certain level of saturation all the time?

I have just transplanted clones and am currently manually irrigating.




Well-Known Member
once a day until the girls get a little bigger then add another cycle . Always water during thw light cycle. My girls are bigger now so I water three times a day . You can check out my signature. I use 6x6 Rockwool blocks .


drip system i use n as clones in rockwool in clay pebbs 3 15min feeds light on one feed light off peeps will say y feed wen no use to plants as they wont feed? i do it to keep roots airated as the water will be aireated also as they grow hit em with extra feeds n find there sweet spot no plants gonna be same likings mate also if in same system try to keep the same strain cos wen ya mix em its hard to please em lol bitches i love em lol good luck n grow well!!
Thanks all. I appreciate the info. I'll keep it light until they grow into the cubes more and increase over time.

I have read about salts building up in the root structure over time with rockwool. How does one prevent this?