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    Heat signature minimizing

    For indoors, basements seem to be the best spot for many reasons. Often, from my experience, the height in the basement seems to be the limiting factor. Growing upstairs poses some more issues, but as mentioned previously, building a room within a room works very well. Foil covered...
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    in a 6 X 8 flowering room

    Light movers are nice, but for the added cost, you could add another cheap ballast and light in some situations. For the area described, I'd go with (2) 600w Ballasts and lights. 1000w will work till you can get (2) 600's. Lumatek has a dual output ballast to run (2) 600's, but for the price...
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    I want a happy up lifting high

    Search button is useful. So are strain guides and smoke reports. Your going to want a sativa or sativa based hybrid.
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    Glenn Beck's show on African Americans

    So why does Glenn Beck need to be concerned with the mainstream audience? For more Tv/radio ratings? I don't think so. I don't agree with what the guy says 100% of the time, but at least he's a stand up guy standing behind what he believes in. I can't really knock that. And to quote the...
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    Odor control: How well does ONA gel work??

    I cant smell much of anything around my place and neither can anyone else. Ona gel works. I have a few sitting around this place.
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    What week to Flush

    I flush the last 2 weeks of flowering. As to what week, that depends on the strain and how long it needs to flower.
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    How's this lineup for my next grow: DNA kushberry/ Barney LSD & Church/ Royal Kush

    I've only grown the DNA Genetics - Kushberry. Nothing bad to say about it at all. It's a great strain. Taste is great in my opinion. Smell is awesome too. It grows pretty well, and takes nutes pretty well. Never had a problem with nute burn, but we feed them a pretty light dose...
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    cheapest cpu fan?

    Radio Shack has basic fans for like $5-$10. I've seem fans at the bigger electronics stores too. has a bunch for real cheap too. Good friend of mine just bought a few of them for his PC that move some serious air for their size and they were like under $15 a pop.
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    This Any Good?

    So my friend sends me this poem and asks if i think it's any good. I'm really not the one to judge but perhaps some of you might give me some opinions on it. So this is what she sent to me: I was reading the other day Poems in the unassuming sense Comfortable words that whistled in my...
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    Is this for real??? Fox News for Legalization?

    I saw this segment as well and was supprised too. I've noticed lately that Fox news in general has really lightened up on the legalization of it. I'm not a huge news watcher anyhow, but I do watch Fox news from time to time. I prefer it over the other major networks as my political views...
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    Bluegrass Music

    I listen to a fair amount of bluegrass and love it even more live. Not an all day listener, but i listen to music basically 24-7 and bluegrass is a great way to relax on the porch with a good drink and a joint. I've always loved the different instruments used and the sound they produce. I...
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    cardboard box is it Good for a Grow Box

    Anything can be done. Its just a matter of what you want to do to MAKE it work. I've seen things grown in "waredrobe" boxes that I'd sell all my clothes for! LOL I suggest prepping the box first by lining the ENTIRE inside with mylar. Then work on getting your ventilation propperly setup...
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    How much are Bay Area clubs paying growers per pound?

    Kruzty - Nice to see other from the area on here! I think shipping it isn't going to work as state law would come into effect, not to mention federal laws. I think it sucks since we cannot help each other out. I'm hoping Michigan will allow shops to open in the near future. Gives alot of...
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    Building My Stealth Dresser

    Yeah a small HPS would be fine with proper ventilation. Personally, I'd go super stealth and use CFL's all over that thing. As for ventilation, you could get away with a few small PC fans from Radio Shack or something similar from the hardware store. This setup looks A LOT like what a...
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    What do you guys classify as regs, mids, and KB?

    Sadly enough prices around here are insane. 4 major colleges all within an hour, and not being close enough to a major "hub" city demand higher prices for "drugs" in general around here. A friend of a friend who sells at a local college smoked out with me a few weeks back and he said prices...
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    What kind of weed do you want?

    For me, it depends on my mood and time of the day. I prefer the sativas in the mourning, hybrids as the day goes on, and indicas at night. If i had to pick 1 strain to smoke for the rest of my life, I'd have to grab my jar of Jack Herer and run with it. Jack just makes me happy...
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    to the Kush experts

    I am by no means an expert, but I smoke one strain or another of Kush basically every single day. Different hybrids will grow differently. Most of ours are done in 8-10 weeks. The ones we grow are shorter, fatter plants that do like to be supercropped. Most of them look like bushes rather...
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    What do you guys classify as regs, mids, and KB?

    I don't buy ANY of my stuff; but i know people who do buy it. Schwag - Mexican brick bud - stems, sticks and seeds. dry and dirty tasting. Cost is $100-$125oz Mids - decently grown bagseed or crappy grown lowerend bud - Cost is $150-$200 oz Killer Bud - Sadly anything with a name...
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    Help Getting Legal In Michigan

    My suggestion would be to attend a compassion club meeting in your area and ask around. Folks are very helpful about this subject. Honestly, it's not that hard to get your card in MI, and even easier if you have a medical history and the knowledge of where to go. I'd mention a few places...
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    2 StinkBud systems under a 600w HPS?

    FTW = Fuck the World Personally, I'd use (1) 600w light per 12 plants. I know a few people who do it like this or with a 1000w HPS. But work with what ya got man.