Heat signature minimizing


Active Member
hi pplz, I recently got busted and whacked with a $4000+ fine and i know it was due to my heat signature...

I heard a helicopter fly over my house and i saw it was a police chopper, with-in the hour i was raided for my small 4 plant set-up, which, is for personal use i might add...

Anywayz, on the subject i need help with... I have been searching every forum with no luck on finding a thread with a direct answer on how to minimize my heat signature from detection by helicopters and such...

So, how do i minimize my heat signature (IR signature) ... Please, i would prefer just direct answers and not a 50page long discussion... Please and thanks where needed :bigjoint::dunce::wall:


Active Member
in the states they have to get a warrant to scan your house for heat signatures .

are you sure you dont have an informant squawking to get the helicopter on your house in the first place..

good luck


Active Member
now many watts u running?? under 4 plants?? u got a 1000 watter over them of sumthin??
600 watt.. super high output... European MH lamp...

And, it definatly wasnt someone tipping em off, No one knows about it.. I have a small closet room, bout, 2meters by 2meters which heats up very quickly despite running the air-conditioner 24/7..

Also, i live Non-US, they do not require a warrent to use the IR camera's...

Any help, please, i do not wish to spend more money, im kinda strapped for cash after this fine... DIY is the way to go for now :wall::leaf:

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Do you have a basement? Going under ground is a good way. If you stay above ground, you need to build a room within a room, so that the outer walls and the ceiling stay at the same temp a normal room has. Using a cooltube, and an insulated growbox/growtent you can pipe the heat to almost anywhere else in the house.


Active Member
No basement....

So, your saying the best way to go about it is to make a room with-in a room? I can do that :P

Ummm, can i get suggestions on what materials i will need, what type of walling to use and such...? Cement flooring, 3/4" thick walling, etc...

Or, even better, can someone link me to a thread with a step by step guide so i dont have to bug u kind people in here :P

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
I remember reading a High Times article about it many years ago, and i seem to remember he (JC) made a styrofoam wall in front of the regular wall, with an air space in between the two walls. The key seemed to be the air flow along the outer walls, so that they (the outer walls) were all the same temp. Im sure any insulating material around a growbox will work.


Active Member
For indoors, basements seem to be the best spot for many reasons. Often, from my experience, the height in the basement seems to be the limiting factor.

Growing upstairs poses some more issues, but as mentioned previously, building a room within a room works very well. Foil covered insulation from your local hardware store works well, along with mylar on the inside of the room.

Don't forget insulated duct work is really a cheap alternative to the commonly used dryer vent hoses i see so often. Many people fail to think about just how and where they are going to vent things.