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    Whats the latest stage i can repot

    Hi all my plants are 7 weeks old and i think they need repotin there into the 3rd week of flowering is it ok 2 put them in a bigger pot
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    hi all its been a while just a quicky ive set a room up with a loft hatch above the light which is always open would u recomened i still use a fan? temp in there is 65 not that bad realy using a 600w thanks
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    day 19 of 12/12 *pics*

    at lookin at them plants how much ruffly do reon you will get off them
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    hi all its gioin between 140 and 200 an oz in the midlands
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    flying ant problem

    thanks for your peace of mind i wud of been gutted my hard work dow the pan
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    flying ant problem

    i went to water my plants earlier and noticed alot of flyin ants on my plants i put water all over them but i was wondering if anyone else had ever had this problem or will they harm my plants
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    first signs of budding

    yer thanks to you both i can see the pistels on all 11 plants is that where the buds form
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    when will my plants be ready

    this is them now 5 weeks[/ATTACH][/ATTACH]
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    first signs of budding

    here are sum pics they are growin ok just alittle worrid about the slight curl on sum leafs[/ATTACH][/ATTACH]
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    Any help will be appreciated!

    alrite m8 lose the tin foil and get sum white sheeting as foil absorbs light and u need to reflect
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    first signs of budding

    on my plants just where the leaves come of the stems are like little cuplits are they the buds starting?. Cud anyone plz advise me if not where do they grow from thanks
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    when will my plants be ready

    i turned them last week to 12/12 and started adding a boost how long will it ake now to bud and harvest take allok at my pics i think they are goin quite well
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    hi all im growin for a second time tryin soil this time with coco products im into my 5th week...

    hi all im growin for a second time tryin soil this time with coco products im into my 5th week now happy with the growth but alittle worried about the slight curling in the leafs
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    leaves culring upwards

    cheers m8 they aint turning yellow its weird they are growing realy well its just the leaves on serval plants are curling upwards maybe it will grow out this is only the second lot ive done didnt have these problems with the others but they were different cuttins
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    leaves culring upwards

    thats great thanks
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    leaves culring upwards

    have'nt never done the ph the light is about 2 feet away from them and im feeding then 1litre each plant aday
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    leaves culring upwards

    temp is about 87f i grow in my shed all sheeted out with 2 fans
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    leaves culring upwards

    hi all im new to these forums im growing indoors and using soil with canna products they are 4 weeks old tomoz and ive noticed the leaves are starting to curl upwards slightly this is only happening on a few plants and mainly the top leaves has anybody got any ideas thanks
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    leaves culring upwards
