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  1. B

    cutting off buds when they start to flower to get more buds!

    yeah i know i just did it when it was in flower because i burned the top cola with the light pretty bad but oh well. i just hope i get some good buds now haha.:wall:
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    cutting off buds when they start to flower to get more buds!

    now most of the branches where i cut the buds, have around 3 to 4 heads, i really want to see how this turns out!
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    cutting off buds when they start to flower to get more buds!

    well what i did was it was all a experiment. i have this suppercropped plant, and when i started to flower i decided to experiment. it was flowering for about 2 and half weeks. and what i did was cut the little buds off and put it back in veg. and what happend to each of the heads i cut, in...
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    help with ALL fan leafs dieing off not please help!!

    no look what happened was i cut the leafs off after it healed up for 2 weeks. and what happened was i didnt water it for a couple days and some leafs looked horrible so what i did is cut them off, and now its growing new leafs all over, so i guessed it was a good thing. we will see what happens
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    help with ALL fan leafs dieing off not please help!!

    well this is how it looked a week ago . the black tape is where i broke it almost all off on accadent, but i patched it up with electrical tape and aweek and a half later i took it off and it held up nice i should get more pics soon , i also cut alot of the leafs off so it could have more power...
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    help with ALL fan leafs dieing off not please help!!

    well this is how it looked a week ago . the black tape is where i broke it almost all off on accadent, but i patched it up with electrical tape and aweek and a half later i took it off and it held up nice i should get more pics soon , i also cut alot of the leafs off so it could have more power...
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    help with ALL fan leafs dieing off not please help!!

    well yes i do think i was underfeeding it. but now its back on track, and its probably eating a liter of water a day, i do a weed nutes and a week of just wale water. clean clean water, and yes there was little littttttle rust spots but really little, and some pale leafs.
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    help with ALL fan leafs dieing off not please help!!

    i did try to tie it down and it broke thed stem so i decide to supercrop it.
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    help with ALL fan leafs dieing off not please help!!

    thank you for all your replys well, what i mean is i broke the stem in 4 places. around 8 inches from the bottom, then from there just evenly , ill take pics tonight to show you how it is now. although its been growing, the stems are still not healded its been around a week and half, and it is...
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    help with ALL fan leafs dieing off not please help!!

    well i have this female plant, it reached over 6 feet in hieght, i supercropped it. down to maybe 2 feet, its been a little over a week, but most of the fan leafs are dieing , it only has maybe 6 from the top of course, they have just been dieing one by one. and seems they are going to die all...
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    burned my plant with lights!!!! in flowering really bad what is going to happen??????

    really? when did you burn it, how bad was it? what happened? haha to many questions
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    burned my plant with lights!!!! in flowering really bad what is going to happen??????

    trust me i did smoke it haha, well what i did is i actually supercropped it, i was pretty tall, abour 5´5 feet, now its probably a foot and half. and i also topped all the little buds it had. and turned the lights back on 18/6, i dont know whats goign to happen about the buds i cut they where...
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    burned my plant with lights!!!! in flowering really bad what is going to happen??????

    hello everyone i hope yall can help me!! i left outa town for a week and i bured the top cola really bad it burned about 3 inches crisp clean, its been flowering for a about 2 weeks. buds started to show already.what can i do buds are still little. but could i revege her will a new cola come...
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    Texas Growers Unite!

    i lived in corpus almost all my life. i used to buy pounds for 250, i have smoked mango, purple haze, northen lights, papaya, whiteshark, whitewido, blueberry, og kush , kush, green crack, and pleanty more i cant remember, texas made.
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    Bagseeds 250 HPS, MH, CFLS, pics

    i now have been flowering with an mh- 400watt for about a week, for flowring, im going to get a hps soon though
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    Bagseeds 250 HPS, MH, CFLS, pics

    shes looking good so far.
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    Bagseeds 250 HPS, MH, CFLS, pics

    Hey guys i wanted to start a grow journal so here is is. i really didnt or havent counted the days on this grow but im pretty sure it started around the begging of september. so im probably thinking maybe 40 to 43 days into the grow. so i have some pics when it was a baby, till the the...
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    Beautiful Bagseeds.

    hey im growing bagseeds right now, check them out, does anyone know maybe what kind of strain it is? or anyone maybe grew one like this. flowring in the first week.
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    crystal or snow white?

    well im about to order some seeds, i been looking at crystal, and snowwhite, has anyone tried these strains? if so which on will give me more yeild?, and witch on do you guys is a better choice? i have a bubble ponic systen.
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    conspiracy theorists have psychological problems

    i think this is retarded, thank god i live in chile.