help with ALL fan leafs dieing off not please help!!

well i have this female plant, it reached over 6 feet in hieght, i supercropped it. down to maybe 2 feet, its been a little over a week, but most of the fan leafs are dieing , it only has maybe 6 from the top of course, they have just been dieing one by one. and seems they are going to die all, but it was also in 2 weeks of flowering when i supercropped it. i put it back in veg and has been in veg for about a week, is it normal for all the fan leafs to die will new fan leafs grow back whats the deal please help. thanks yall yo read this.


Well-Known Member
Something went seriously wrong. I can't explain it but it is def not good. What do you mean you supercropped it to 2 feet? Supercropping doesn't shorten plants.
Got any pics?


Well-Known Member
You're not supposed to do any more training when in flowering but as long as it's still alive and the living part has some leaves it'll start to grow more leaves on whatever part of the plant you didn't kill.

Supercropping this late may have damaged the stem beyond repair, hard to tell what you did really, or it could just be the typical leaf die off you see when someone doesn't feed their plant enough.

Did the leaves start dieing off from the bottom up even before supercropping, that means it's been starving for more food. Since you say it's 6' tall or was I bet it's in too small of a pot and it has already sucked every nutrient out of that soil it can. Give it a nice new much larger pot about 20 gallon rubbermaid bin size of really good soil like FFOF and just water then after it adjusts start ramping up the nutrients to full dose.

It'll take off like mad again if you have enough light for a plant that big. As soon as you think you have enough leaves again and it's perfectly healthy flip to flower again, this time when flowering is starting make sure to feed the right amount of flowering nutrients and some cal-mag.


Well-Known Member
supercropped? define your definition of supercrop please, its used to refer to a number of different training techniques.
The only definition of SC I know of is the crushing or twisting of a stem in hopes of getting larger buds when the stem heals. What exactly did you do?


Well-Known Member
thats what i call supercropping too, some people refer to lst or topping as supercropping(which drives me nuts). you hurt your plant pretty bad there,any of the plant above the pinch will get far less nutes/energy/whatever for a few weeks at least, why not just tie it down next time?
thank you for all your replys well, what i mean is i broke the stem in 4 places. around 8 inches from the bottom, then from there just evenly , ill take pics tonight to show you how it is now. although its been growing, the stems are still not healded its been around a week and half, and it is starting to grow more leafs, i did start to train it. tied the stems down for egual light. and yes the leafs where dieing form the bottom up when it was in al before flowering. its just a huge plant or at least it was. ill take pics tonight, and thank guys. i hope ,my plant is going to be ok


Well-Known Member
If there's any new growth on the part you thought you broke, even if it's not healed yet, it's fine. Leaves dying from the bottom up almost always means it's underfed so you just need to get your nutrients right. Are you feeding anything or just water? Is the color of the leaves kind of pale green instead of really healthy looking, or with spots like rust/dead parts? That would prove it.
If there's any new growth on the part you thought you broke, even if it's not healed yet, it's fine. Leaves dying from the bottom up almost always means it's underfed so you just need to get your nutrients right. Are you feeding anything or just water? Is the color of the leaves kind of pale green instead of really healthy looking, or with spots like rust/dead parts? That would prove it.
well yes i do think i was underfeeding it. but now its back on track, and its probably eating a liter of water a day, i do a weed nutes and a week of just wale water. clean clean water, and yes there was little littttttle rust spots but really little, and some pale leafs.
well this is how it looked a week ago . the black tape is where i broke it almost all off on accadent, but i patched it up with electrical tape and aweek and a half later i took it off and it held up nice i should get more pics soon , i also cut alot of the leafs off so it could have more power to fix it self and not worrie about so many leafs to feed, and when it was flowering for 2 weeks it grew little buds, and when i switched it back on to 18'6 when i supercropped it i also cut the littl buds off, and now i have like 2 splits comming out instead of one on all the heads, so im hopeing i get more bud hopefully since its slpit in 2.


well this is how it looked a week ago . the black tape is where i broke it almost all off on accadent, but i patched it up with electrical tape and aweek and a half later i took it off and it held up nice i should get more pics soon , i also cut alot of the leafs off so it could have more power to fix it self and not worrie about so many leafs to feed, and when it was flowering for 2 weeks it grew little buds, and when i switched it back on to 18'6 when i supercropped it i also cut the littl buds off, and now i have like 2 splits comming out instead of one on all the heads, so im hopeing i get more bud hopefully since its slpit in 2. anyone ever try it?


Well-Known Member
bro, cutting off the leaves to make the plant make more energy and heal faster makes no sense. the leaves MAKE the energy and store it, your making the plant have less energy for growth/healing and throwing away stored energy it would of taken from the leaves to make it grow/heal and you stress it out by cutting leaves off and expect it to heal/grow faster?
bro, cutting off the leaves to make the plant make more energy and heal faster makes no sense. the leaves MAKE the energy and store it, your making the plant have less energy for growth/healing and throwing away stored energy it would of taken from the leaves to make it grow/heal and you stress it out by cutting leaves off and expect it to heal/grow faster?
no look what happened was i cut the leafs off after it healed up for 2 weeks. and what happened was i didnt water it for a couple days and some leafs looked horrible so what i did is cut them off, and now its growing new leafs all over, so i guessed it was a good thing. we will see what happens


Well-Known Member
It's never a good thing to cut off any leaves, the only time it's ok is when the leaf is completely dead and so is the stem it's attached to. Brown and crunchy.

The plant recovers energy from dying leaves and is still recovering that energy as long as there is any green in the leaf. You just robbed it of stored energy.