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  1. G

    Attitude: Order (Issue)

    I ordered in July and got my t-shirt and seeds within ten days.....New order with a mug on Dec. 23rd 2009...Still havn't received that order.Hope it's because of the holidays but it's been along time.Will call them tomorrow
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    Do it like this and you will have much better grow and easier
  3. G


    You have that set up wrong...Put the hydroton rocks in 5 or 6 inch net pots and put rockwool with plants in the pots down in the pellets so they are bareley covered.Then you can move your plants around when you drain and flush
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    My first hydro grow.I have a ebb and flow system,plants in rockwool and hydroton rocks in 6' pots.The plants are ak-47/lowrider fem....I have a 400 watt mh light and am using sensi-grow and bloom for my nutes.My main question is how often to feed aday...They feed for 15 or 20 minutes when on.Any...
  5. G

    Auto AK47 + Lowryder2 400w HPS

    Just germed 3 lowrider /ak47..Doin' a closet grow
  6. G

    yellow leaves

    hey thanks alot for such quick replies,I really appreciate it and you have helped put me at ease.I am definatly taking your advice...having a cold one right again and I will keep you informed on the girl......
  7. G

    yellow leaves

    here are some pics of when i got home today.Looks like it is getting worse.Checked ph and it was about 6.5...Topped off the reservoir and wondering what to do..Can I save her
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    yellow leaves

  9. G

    yellow leaves

    I have a 7 gallon resevoir,been changing water every two weeks..Using ionic that is 3-2-6..but used pure water the last week,thought they might need flushed.I am growing in rockwool and expanded clay.the roots are thick and pushing all over out the bottom and always seem to be wet,but plants...
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    yellow leaves

    I have a ebb and flow system,using bagseeds.This plant is 5 weeks in flowering and leaves are all starting to turn yellow.was using ionic nutes and watering 5 times a day...Help...
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    101 Already Asked Questions

    7 days into 12/12 and wondering if this is a male....looks like it to me
  12. G

    Lowryder #2 Auto Flower - Step by step

    Most auto flower breeds need 20 hours of light a day every day....That might be why yours aren't flowering soon...
  13. G

    ordering seeds from attitude seed bank?!

    Great company ,got my lowrider/ak47's in eight days with a t-shirt
  14. G


    ok thanks,did that and they are looking better...Also had to adjust the ph
  15. G

    germinating seeds

    I'm with you about the germinating.Got my seeds to sprout in paper towels...put them in rockwool and into grow pellets.They were doin' good but they all fell over...Whats up with that?
  16. G


    I just started a hydroponics ebb and flow system..germinated my plants in paper towels then transferred to rock wool cubes when they popped.Put them under a 400 mh light 5 days ago.They are falling over but look good other than that.Why are they so weak and falling over?