yellow leaves


Active Member
I have a ebb and flow system,using bagseeds.This plant is 5 weeks in flowering and leaves are all starting to turn yellow.was using ionic nutes and watering 5 times a day...Help...

Hi, Looks like maybe a couple of things. Questions first though...the bloom nutrients you're feeding them have ANY nitrogen at all? If not add some...just a titch.
How often do you change nutrient mixes? pH might be way off and blocking the up take of some of the micros. How big is the reservoir you're using?
I'm assuming you're not using a soil planting medium (can't see in the pics) since you're doing ebb & flo. So what are they planted in? Expanded clay? Coco?
Coco can hold water a long time & might keep the roots too wet. I use only the expanded clay and water 6 times a day.
Any, a little more info may help get closer to the problem. Good Luck & Happy Gardening! GrowIT!:weed:


Hi, Looks like maybe a couple of things. Questions first though...the bloom nutrients you're feeding them have ANY nitrogen at all? If not add some...just a titch.
How often do you change nutrient mixes? pH might be way off and blocking the up take of some of the micros. How big is the reservoir you're using?
I'm assuming you're not using a soil planting medium (can't see in the pics) since you're doing ebb & flo. So what are they planted in? Expanded clay? Coco?
Coco can hold water a long time & might keep the roots too wet. I use only the expanded clay and water 6 times a day.
Any, a little more info may help get closer to the problem. Good Luck & Happy Gardening! GrowIT!:weed:
I have a 7 gallon resevoir,been changing water every two weeks..Using ionic that is 3-2-6..but used pure water the last week,thought they might need flushed.I am growing in rockwool and expanded clay.the roots are thick and pushing all over out the bottom and always seem to be wet,but plants have looked great through veg. and 3 1/2 to 4 weeks of flowering.was watering every 4 hrs.....6-10-2-6-10-2.Have a hard time keeping ph adjusted....always seems to get up too high after a day,sometimes two


Active Member
I have a 7 gallon resevoir,been changing water every two weeks..Using ionic that is 3-2-6..but used pure water the last week,thought they might need flushed.I am growing in rockwool and expanded clay.the roots are thick and pushing all over out the bottom and always seem to be wet,but plants have looked great through veg. and 3 1/2 to 4 weeks of flowering.was watering every 4 hrs.....6-10-2-6-10-2.Have a hard time keeping ph adjusted....always seems to get up too high after a day,sometimes two
Sorry if I cover ground you're already familiar with but here goes...

The nutrients sound fine. The flushing could have definitly contributed to the yellowing. Out of whack pH definitly could result in a deficiency & yellowing.
My suggestions would be these:
1st, start changing reservoir nutes every week. This will help a bit with the pH fluctuation. You'll need to top off with regular water during the week as well. 2 weeks is kind of stretching it for a 7 gallon reservoir. If you have the room think about going bigger on the reservoir. I use a 20 gallon Coleman cooler as a reservoir and the changes in pH are much slower because of the larger volume and the insulated temp control. I still check pH & TDS every other day & change the whole solution every week, saves a lot of hassles. Plant size, & numbers and heat can really change how fast the nutrient solution is taken up and how the fertilizer to water ratio changes in the reservoir. I suggest using an aerator/air stone too to agitate and add oxygen to the solution...
Also think about getting a pH test kit if you haven't already. Test your plain water & the nutrient mix of your reservoir when fresh. The drops work pretty well, a meter works better. pH thats out of whack really can inhibit nutrient uptake. The pH of your fresh nutrient solution ought to be in the 5.8 to 6.8 range. The TDS(total dissolved solids) reading depends on which companies metering device you get. Regardless these devices will tell you what your nutrient solution is doing. i.e. too concentrated/salty or too weak in relation to parts per million. There are ranges of ppm of nutrients that the plants can & can't tolerate, as I'm sure you already know.
Lastly how long does the irrigation wet the roots for each watering? In my closet about 15 to 20 minutes seems about right. The roots dry enough between waterings and as long as I don't cover the top of the rock wool cubes with expanded clay things don't rot and they grow like crazy. Sounds like we have somewhat similar systems. I'm using drip irrigation to water though. Hope some of this helps, Good Luck! Happy Gardening GrowIT!


Sorry if I cover ground you're already familiar with but here goes...

The nutrients sound fine. The flushing could have definitly contributed to the yellowing. Out of whack pH definitly could result in a deficiency & yellowing.
My suggestions would be these:
1st, start changing reservoir nutes every week. This will help a bit with the pH fluctuation. You'll need to top off with regular water during the week as well. 2 weeks is kind of stretching it for a 7 gallon reservoir. If you have the room think about going bigger on the reservoir. I use a 20 gallon Coleman cooler as a reservoir and the changes in pH are much slower because of the larger volume and the insulated temp control. I still check pH & TDS every other day & change the whole solution every week, saves a lot of hassles. Plant size, & numbers and heat can really change how fast the nutrient solution is taken up and how the fertilizer to water ratio changes in the reservoir. I suggest using an aerator/air stone too to agitate and add oxygen to the solution...
Also think about getting a pH test kit if you haven't already. Test your plain water & the nutrient mix of your reservoir when fresh. The drops work pretty well, a meter works better. pH thats out of whack really can inhibit nutrient uptake. The pH of your fresh nutrient solution ought to be in the 5.8 to 6.8 range. The TDS(total dissolved solids) reading depends on which companies metering device you get. Regardless these devices will tell you what your nutrient solution is doing. i.e. too concentrated/salty or too weak in relation to parts per million. There are ranges of ppm of nutrients that the plants can & can't tolerate, as I'm sure you already know.
Lastly how long does the irrigation wet the roots for each watering? In my closet about 15 to 20 minutes seems about right. The roots dry enough between waterings and as long as I don't cover the top of the rock wool cubes with expanded clay things don't rot and they grow like crazy. Sounds like we have somewhat similar systems. I'm using drip irrigation to water though. Hope some of this helps, Good Luck! Happy Gardening GrowIT![/QU I really appreciate the help....just got home from work and took these pics....looks like its getting worse.i topped off the reservoir and checked the ph...was a little high,used the drops and looked like about 6.5....Are they gonna make it?All fan leaves are yellowing,buds look great but aren't ready yet.....what are my options to save her or what????



Sorry if I cover ground you're already familiar with but here goes...

The nutrients sound fine. The flushing could have definitly contributed to the yellowing. Out of whack pH definitly could result in a deficiency & yellowing.
My suggestions would be these:
1st, start changing reservoir nutes every week. This will help a bit with the pH fluctuation. You'll need to top off with regular water during the week as well. 2 weeks is kind of stretching it for a 7 gallon reservoir. If you have the room think about going bigger on the reservoir. I use a 20 gallon Coleman cooler as a reservoir and the changes in pH are much slower because of the larger volume and the insulated temp control. I still check pH & TDS every other day & change the whole solution every week, saves a lot of hassles. Plant size, & numbers and heat can really change how fast the nutrient solution is taken up and how the fertilizer to water ratio changes in the reservoir. I suggest using an aerator/air stone too to agitate and add oxygen to the solution...
Also think about getting a pH test kit if you haven't already. Test your plain water & the nutrient mix of your reservoir when fresh. The drops work pretty well, a meter works better. pH thats out of whack really can inhibit nutrient uptake. The pH of your fresh nutrient solution ought to be in the 5.8 to 6.8 range. The TDS(total dissolved solids) reading depends on which companies metering device you get. Regardless these devices will tell you what your nutrient solution is doing. i.e. too concentrated/salty or too weak in relation to parts per million. There are ranges of ppm of nutrients that the plants can & can't tolerate, as I'm sure you already know.
Lastly how long does the irrigation wet the roots for each watering? In my closet about 15 to 20 minutes seems about right. The roots dry enough between waterings and as long as I don't cover the top of the rock wool cubes with expanded clay things don't rot and they grow like crazy. Sounds like we have somewhat similar systems. I'm using drip irrigation to water though. Hope some of this helps, Good Luck! Happy Gardening GrowIT!
here are some pics of when i got home today.Looks like it is getting worse.Checked ph and it was about 6.5...Topped off the reservoir and wondering what to do..Can I save her


Active Member
here are some pics of when i got home today.Looks like it is getting worse.Checked ph and it was about 6.5...Topped off the reservoir and wondering what to do..Can I save her
I think no's going to drop all the yellow leaves and will make new ones if she needs them. at this point the leaves are beyond coming back but I don't think you need to worry at this late stage of flowering.
I think this is a over watering/flushing consequence and all you need do now is just maintain 'normal' feeding and watering.
The pH is FINE @ 6.5 No worries. It's just exhibiting yellow from the flushing they got.
I once had an accident in my grow space where the pump was on nearly 6 hours straight and so the roots were irrigated all that time. After a week or so they started to look like your leaves. Once I let things get back to 'normal' the leaves continued to yellow and drop but new ones grew to replace them, took several weeks and I worried the whole way too. Yeah it does take a bit of energy away from flowering but hey you'll still get good flowers, just a little later, delayed. Relax have a cold one and talk nice to her. She's got some flowers going! Have Fun, Happy gardening! GrowIT!:weed:


I think no's going to drop all the yellow leaves and will make new ones if she needs them. at this point the leaves are beyond coming back but I don't think you need to worry at this late stage of flowering.
I think this is a over watering/flushing consequence and all you need do now is just maintain 'normal' feeding and watering.
The pH is FINE @ 6.5 No worries. It's just exhibiting yellow from the flushing they got.
I once had an accident in my grow space where the pump was on nearly 6 hours straight and so the roots were irrigated all that time. After a week or so they started to look like your leaves. Once I let things get back to 'normal' the leaves continued to yellow and drop but new ones grew to replace them, took several weeks and I worried the whole way too. Yeah it does take a bit of energy away from flowering but hey you'll still get good flowers, just a little later, delayed. Relax have a cold one and talk nice to her. She's got some flowers going! Have Fun, Happy gardening! GrowIT!:weed:
hey thanks alot for such quick replies,I really appreciate it and you have helped put me at ease.I am definatly taking your advice...having a cold one right again and I will keep you informed on the girl......


Active Member
Here's some info to help you determine the problem. Also, this is a great source with pics to help you figure it out, Good Luck.

Cannabis Nutrient And Deficiency Table

By: Seedless

To use the table just match up the plants symptoms with those on the table. Nutrients that are shaded Red are the problem. Find that nutrient in the text below the table for the remedy.

The table is a separate attachment below

