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  1. S

    New seedling Does this look familiar to anyone?

    nice, I assumed it was only some sorta husk part, but wasnt sure, it's all black and yellow, and Im just standing there bent over saying "what the fuck is that?"
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    New seedling Does this look familiar to anyone?

    Hey All, I had a sprout pop today and it looks different than the others. It's almost a day old and has been taken care of the same as the others, moist but not wet, 70-80 degrees, 16 hours of light (almost 16 so far for this new one) Anyways, it looks odd, the tip looks yellowish and the...
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    has anybody ordered from single marijuana seeds canada

    That site is awesome, I live in NL and they are in BC and I get all my seeds in 10 business days. They come in blank DVD cases and each seed is in its own little baggy with a piece of the original packet it normally would have come in. I've ordered from these guys 3 times and have gotten 100%...
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    4x4 room 600W HPS Light or 1000w

    Saving money on energy would be nice lol But if the extra bills mean significant more bud, which = more money to pay said bills than that woudl be nice If not ill stick with 600 i guess
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    4x4 room 600W HPS Light or 1000w

    Hey Guys and Gals I have a 4x4 flower room set up thats 16 plants and IM wondering what type of HPS to buy According to Jortes Cervantes Grow Vids I only need 1 horizontal light for each 4x4 space. He constructed a similar room which hold 16 plants the same way. Anyways He said 400w was good...
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    stolen seedling any tips?

    Shit, man that's the golden rule, religion aside its something any person can live by
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    stolen seedling any tips?

    I hate kids I opened this thread cause I felt bad that your plant may have been stolen, but it turns out your the thief and not a single damn person on this whole site is proud of you. That must tell you something...well if you had the cognitive capacity you may figure it out. The fact is even...
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    7 days and still no sprout showing :(

    Im pretty sure that part has to do with certain hormones, and the effects of Gravity.
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    7 days and still no sprout showing :(

    oh and it shoudlnt have been below 40 for too long, few hours a day maybe at the start. the seeds i checked had pretty big tap roots, much bigger than when i planted them so i am guess the less than optimal heat slowed them down. The temp is now at a cosistant, never lower than 70 and never...
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    7 days and still no sprout showing :(

    I think some lines got crossed somewhere. I am using peat pellets. I have two pics, one of before and one of after. Are these suitable?I was under the impression they were. Any help would be great, Peace
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    7 days and still no sprout showing :(

    /bump anyone? anything?
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    7 days and still no sprout showing :(

    bump, anyone?
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    7 days and still no sprout showing :(

    I bought 14 seeds 5 fem Blue mystic 5 fem white castle and four reg big bud. I soaked them for about 36 hours till they cracked. All cracked apart fro m1 big bud. I planted the cracked seeds in expanded peat pellets. As this is a soil-less method I water them enough so they dont dry out...
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    First Time Grower, Germinated Yet???

    Hey Guys, I just ordered some seeds from 5 fem blue mystic 5 fem white castle and just for the heck of it and for a little extra girth 4 random gender BC Big Bud Any who this is my first time growing, I ve watched Mr Green and Jortes Cervantes 20x each...