4x4 room 600W HPS Light or 1000w

Hey Guys and Gals

I have a 4x4 flower room set up
thats 16 plants and IM wondering what type of HPS to buy

According to Jortes Cervantes Grow Vids I only need 1 horizontal light for each 4x4 space. He constructed a similar room which hold 16 plants the same way. Anyways He said 400w was good, 1000 watts was good but he settled on 600 being the most efficient

So i was wondering, how big is the difference between the 600w and 1000w

I coudl get a 600 watt, but the 1000w is a little over 100 dollars more as a kit
So is the difference worth the extra cash or is a 600w good enough.

Im not too concerned if i dont grow the best of the best plants attitude, but if the difference is worth it, hell i spose i could chip in another $100 or more

Thanks all


Active Member
the 600 has a better lumens to wattage ratio so more efficient, but i wud say its ur shout, u worried bout energy bills?
Saving money on energy would be nice lol
But if the extra bills mean significant more bud, which = more money to pay said bills than that woudl be nice
If not ill stick with 600 i guess


Well-Known Member
I have a 400watt CMH lamp (which suposidly runs 3-5 degrees cooler than a hps lamp) in a 4w x 4l x 8h and had trouble keeping the temps in line, I was sitting at low 80s with peaks at 84-85, I get about a 8-10 degree rise from just the 400 watter, the 600 will be worse and the 1k will be trouble. I'm running ventination but not a closed hood. I would think you would have some issues keeping a 1k cool in that size room. You could do it but it would probably require a couple inlines, one for the hood and one for the actual room. I think 600 would be your best bet but that still might give you some problems. It all depends on your cooling and ventilation.

just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
1k is a bit over kill in that room. Go with the 600, what region do you live in? how are you ambient temps? what kind of cash do you have for fans? I run a 400w hps in a 2x2x5 tent and do fine on temps in the south. You can manage a 600 just use two fans and have a powerful oscilating fan in their as well.


Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Go with a 1000 - you're gonna need to aircool either one, so why not go with what's gonna give you more buds and tigher buds?


Well-Known Member
i use 3x3 e&f 600w & grow 9 plants thats about as far as you want to stretch it trust me on a 4x4 16 plants & 1000w. is the way to go i dont have room to expand or i would have 4x4 1000 set up i tried to post you a pic or 2 but riu changed stuff around so we will see what comes across im gonna have to learn how to do this all over again



i was running two 400's in a 4x4 space but was not cutting it just got a 1000w sun system, cool sun 8'' with a super hortilux bulb, and harvest pro convertable ballast, ran me 360 with shipping but well worth it 5 year warranty other then bulb thats 1 year, came in mail really fast thur-mon so 4 days.

thing is beast.. i was paying close to 180 a month in veg stage with 18/6 and venting running with the two 400w w/ built in ballast, so will see what the damage is with this new light...

http://www.igrowhydro.com/default.aspx is where i got my light