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  1. L

    I'm thinking of growing less plants this year but using 200-100 gal smart pots

    That quote is from a Dr Gruber post..he is a good friend of mine who is legal and loves to post pics and doesnt have to worry about LEO.....apples to oranges...dumbasses. No disrespect ment, Peace and love... Lm
  2. L

    Pest Control in a Guerrilla Grow?

    X 2 on the fishing hip high and one knee doesnt stop them it spooks them because they cant see it..Good stuff Lm
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    I'm thinking of growing less plants this year but using 200-100 gal smart pots

    WOW man.. you folks need to get a life....
  4. L

    Animal & Pest control thread

    If you live in Canada read this first. This provincial but most provinces are the same. Out of the MNR regs Snares cannot be used, except by the holder of a resident's small game license for taking varying hares north of the French and Mattawa rivers with a snare constructed of copper or...
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    Pest Control in a Guerrilla Grow?

    Ive tried this in many variations IT DOES NOT WORK in areas that have large deer populations. also it has to be re-done after it rains.Not to mention any critter that gets your concoction in its eyes will die from scratching its own eyes out because of the burning, I know ive found them dead...
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    Pest Control in a Guerrilla Grow?

    Dont be an idiot and pay for wolf piss. YOU are the top of the food chain. Take some 500ml water bottles and shove some paper towel in them, poke a dozen small holes in the bottle to let the smell out. Drink a few coffees on the way to your patch and when u get there fill the water bottles with...
  7. L

    Jacks classic citrus feed..who's using it and how do u like it ??

    Thanks very much for the replies folks. I tried to order it last year but they had problems shipping too Canada so i just stuck with 20 20 20. I will call them on monday. Peace, Lm
  8. L

    Jacks classic citrus feed..who's using it and how do u like it ??

    Looking for reviews on jacks classic citrus feed. Its been out for a while now and everybody was all excited about it, has anybody grown with it ?? Peace, Lm
  9. L

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Morning UB.. Now that you have had a chance to grow with jacks classic citrus feed I was wondering if you still think its better then their dynamic duo of 20 20 20 and 10 20 30. Did you have to amend the soil with anything or is the cirtrus food complete ? Thanx for your time !! The Lilman
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    The Never Ending Abuse of Phosphorous (Bloom foods) to Enhance Flowering

    Hola from Canada UB.. I know your a fan of jacks 10-30-20 but its a real bitch and expensive to get it up here. whats your opinion on 15 30 15 for bloom ? Is it to much N and not enough K ? or does that fit the bill ? Peace, LM
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    Iranian x ECSD and Iranian X Chemdawg#4- Greenthumb Seeds

    Waiting for pics and the smoke report is killing me.. Slowly.. From the inside.. LM
  12. L

    Iranian x ECSD and Iranian X Chemdawg#4- Greenthumb Seeds

    Rock solid huge nuggets when grown outside. Peace, Lm
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    Iranian x ECSD and Iranian X Chemdawg#4- Greenthumb Seeds

    I cant wait to see what people say on the MMA forum. G
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    Iranian x ECSD and Iranian X Chemdawg#4- Greenthumb Seeds

    OK seriously... That plant kicks some pretty serious ass.. LM.
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    Iranian x ECSD and Iranian X Chemdawg#4- Greenthumb Seeds

    I have to agree with you bro, plant one looks like the the sour diesel. I have them side by side as well, the chemdawg seems to be about 1 week behind did not stretch as much and ate less.. I will send you those pics after harvest. I sure appreciate you growing these out and comparing it to the...
  16. L

    Iranian x ECSD and Iranian X Chemdawg#4- Greenthumb Seeds

    Very sexy brother. Hows the smell ? Can u tell them apart ? Plant 2 gets my vote as the chemdawg. Ive got them side by side and all the SDs are taller then the chemdawgs..I wish it was the other way around =). Peace, Te Lilman
  17. L

    Bubba Kush Katsu- From Greenthumb Seeds

    I grabbed enough free samples from advanced nutes to do my small tent crop, Im all about the "free" part in free samples. Im running 4 x g13s, three in the 50/50 promix/perlite mix and one in coco. Feeding everything the AN food except one, that one i kept on the blue powder..until she got 3...
  18. L

    Bubba Kush Katsu- From Greenthumb Seeds

    Plant one really looks like an overdose of N to me but I have no doubt you thought of that as well and have looked into it. Its interesting how you can run into odd ball plants when you grow from seed, mother nature can be a cruel bitch some times. Peace, Lm
  19. L

    Iranian x ECSD and Iranian X Chemdawg#4- Greenthumb Seeds

    Looking good as always brother !! Peace, Te Lilman