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  1. noc

    Mini bucket-style dutch drip system did a great job with the setup..from cutting to the first day i saw my root coming out the rockwool was a solid week...then well...8-9 days i had the below picture....i'm now on day 11 and holy i can only imagine what yours are looking like....great job...:hump:
  2. noc

    Bubbleheads NO MORE

    i didn't give you enough info...this is bb2..she is a clone takin 8 days ago..give or take...her picture of the roots was LAST NIGHT...under 2 but have a third...f17/t8/gl 24'' "grow lights" LOW WATTS...unsure exact so bare with me...water/ 5.9...... go...:lol:
  3. noc

    Bubbleheads NO MORE

    high and hello...greetings and salutations..... i want what you got b.c what you got i want...8wks start to laugh...teach me the ways oh wise bubbles...give me those fat..."tops/heads' from your wise bubbleyknowledge...teach me and i will then have the wisdom, and then and only...
  4. noc

    any advice on hydro???

    more light you say??? what type of light would you suggest with what you see in the pic...i like the set up so if i don't have to change too much, that would be cool...those 3 lights you see are F17/T8/GL 24'' "grow lights"...anything else or just....much much much much much much much more...
  5. noc

    any advice on hydro???

    here's what i included...8 days from a clone that is currently in soil and now in the flowering stage...questions?? tips and or advice??? comments in general??? thanks everyone. Maybe i'll start a journal sometime when i get things situated....
  6. noc

    Mini bucket-style dutch drip system

    question...did you make that set up yourself or did you just peice it together out of a box that you ordered?? I like it either way but still...??? that is perfect for a 'first time hydro' set mission...TO LEARN...*without screwing too much up with hope* now you're gonna see...
  7. noc

    kinda comes to mind..

    the humidity for the vegging girls is about for the little girls...*shrugs* i got them under a slight little humid dome...
  8. noc

    kinda comes to mind..

    so this is blueberry...27 days into veg...20/4 light cycle with 1000watt farm soil and some nutes and stuff... I don't know what the hell this is or what's causing it. could anyone help me out??? the other plant, which is jack herer(herrer) has no problems...feeding the same nute...
  9. noc

    first timer, advanced nutrients ??

    i have to agree...if you're not using ANY nutes..other than the soil and the enhancers...then're gonna have a really really low ppm...if you've not used nutes for these girls already and they are going're keeping a really good eye on the plant...she'll...
  10. noc

    diy grow box

    not just that...though that is a good one..but it's easier to tend to one sick plant seprately than it would be to say...tend to the little sick girl in the middle of a box and could possibly iffect the's just easier in the long run if you're serious about your...
  11. noc

    high and hello..

    high and hello..
  12. noc

    fan leaves vs. light = ???

    W O W ....... dear god i hope there's no webbings and other kritters...hasn't shaved...but well tended i least for your sake...:eyesmoke:
  13. noc

    fan leaves vs. light = ???

    so you yourself like, LOVE bushy plants...that's what would be the purpose of a bushy plant??? more colas for something like Scrog or something???? for LST perhaps???:joint::hump:
  14. noc

    Growing as a Police Officer

    ok, so here's what i personally they wish to become a cop while they are growing...fuck it..why the actual question is this.....COPS STILL GET PISS TESTED WHEN if you're really planning on smoking it or using it....then i'd think more on that than whether or...
  15. noc

    fan leaves vs. light = ???

    ok so i get the clone thing...that might be my next question(s)...but back to the MAIN thing of things..hahaha...lollipopping....does well for ventilation and for making it grow....UP more yes??? helps get more air/cooler underneath as well as causing the hormones to feed the top more making it...
  16. noc

    fan leaves vs. light = ???

    hey great...thanks for the replies...I've yet to still decide what i am going to do...but the cfls won't really do much in the plant that is under 1kwatt will it???...would the cfl lights actually make a differance if tucked up in the plant if the plant is under a 1kwatt light???
  17. noc

    fan leaves vs. light = ???

    first the a foot tall BUSHY jack herer(herrer) in a 5 gal buck... still in the veg cycle and very healthy...very lush and strong looking...I noticed while watering, that it's so bushy that light isn't getting inside like with my other which happens to be blueberry...though it is...
  18. noc

    3 days from 8wks r they done? +rep

    ok so i have a question to the poster...since this was your first grow..and you gave the main details of your nutes and lighting and what long did you veg for and if you tall was she BEFORE you popped her with 12/12??? I've been having a wondering problem...i'm on veg...
  19. noc

    Anyone use Superthirive

    wow...i do agree...they are looking quite healthy and lovely...i wanted to try the iguana juice...and now i see that it should be work long have you been vegging so far??? let us in on your set got a nice grow so far..and yeah...just mainly use it for stress and...
  20. noc

    Anyone use Superthirive

    superthrive has been around for QUITE awhile...and is pretty good at resisting stress and root development...i use it for transplanting..and for the stress.....A.N plus superthrive and you should have no worries...just don't use the superthrive TOO you