fan leaves vs. light = ???


first the a foot tall BUSHY jack herer(herrer) in a 5 gal buck... still in the veg cycle and very healthy...very lush and strong looking...I noticed while watering, that it's so bushy that light isn't getting inside like with my other which happens to be blueberry...though it is bushy as well..NO WHERE NEAR the bush that Jackie my question is this...since i'm going to be getting ready to hit it with 12/12 soon when it reaches about a 1.5ft....could i go ahead and remove a few of the BIG fan leaves to help get a little extra light inthere??? it's so bushy it's casting a shadow on the soil...which made me wonder...I know that you're not suppose to top or trim/prune or take cuttings within a couple to a few weeks BEFORE popping and changing the hence the question...thanks in advance...


bud bootlegger
i wouldn't cut off any kind of leaves at all.. they are what makes the plants sugars and what in turn produces more bud.. instead, get a few small cfls and place them all around the sides of the plant where you think that there is no light at.. this will do wonders for it, and not add much if any added heat..
best of luck with your grow..


Active Member
You can take cutting from a plant anytime there shooting up. The only time you shoudn't is after 12/12.If someone needs clones cut em.


hey great...thanks for the replies...I've yet to still decide what i am going to do...but the cfls won't really do much in the plant that is under 1kwatt will it???...would the cfl lights actually make a differance if tucked up in the plant if the plant is under a 1kwatt light???


You can take cutting from a plant anytime there shooting up. The only time you shoudn't is after 12/12.If someone needs clones cut em.

ok so i get the clone thing...that might be my next question(s)...but back to the MAIN thing of things..hahaha...lollipopping....does well for ventilation and for making it grow....UP more yes??? helps get more air/cooler underneath as well as causing the hormones to feed the top more making it maybe get taller??? since topping would make it bushier and yet make more colas...just a few questions...thanks again...


Active Member
As for alot of leaves making a bushy plant.Even thow you may not get light to everything.You can circulate alot of air and the more leaves I would think would give the plant more co2.Some cut the shit out of there plants to circulate air.But it's a growers own choice.Mine have bushed together were you can't see the floor.I love it!


As for alot of leaves making a bushy plant.Even thow you may not get light to everything.You can circulate alot of air and the more leaves I would think would give the plant more co2.Some cut the shit out of there plants to circulate air.But it's a growers own choice.Mine have bushed together were you can't see the floor.I love it!
so you yourself like, LOVE bushy plants...that's what would be the purpose of a bushy plant??? more colas for something like Scrog or something???? for LST perhaps???:joint::hump: