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  1. H

    740 watt LED grow DWC

    I count days/weeks from the day 12/12 starts. actually, all plants start flower, harvest on different day especially those plants grow from seeds, even it's same strain. PS. i'm noob. Do NOT believe me =)
  2. H

    740 watt LED grow DWC

    hey. i didn't check this post for couple days cuz i had problem in my green op. btw, how is ur green op. goin? looks good to me =) i skim last couple day's replies but i couldn't c any major difference between last op. do u have any change on lights?
  3. H

    Spectra Unit 90watt Led grow, almost done.Whe got buds...

    great post. so....who wins? 600w hps or 600w LED?
  4. H

    740 watt LED grow DWC

    hey. good post. btw, i have question. is supernova have 5 band include uv and/or ir? do u think i can just use supernova only for flowering? do u think it will work?
  5. H

    The Future Now!

    simple research after last post. this is website of hidhut(my friend hate this company, btw) and link for super-nova which 2nd LED growing lighting system from hidhut. now, I wanna point out...
  6. H

    The Future Now!

    1st, i have to say this : Do not teach ppl who never wanna learn. They need to spend 1-2hr at about"LED"... I love this post, Im planning to buy super-nova which is $1000-1500 LED light system from somewhere(idk). the website said (if i remember correct) basic super-nova is better...
  7. H

    **Bonsai** All About Bonsai Mothers

    I want ur pix back /cry /cry