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  1. C

    Greenhouse Grow, 3 strains.

    Thanks, I really appreciate it.. Do you remember what time of the year that Blueberry finished? I'm guessing another week max. But this plant was pretty fucked up before so it may have started flowering a little later. Yah I'm so freaked about mold now, but it's been real dry here thankfully...
  2. C

    Fans for venting 4k, as well as air for sealed room.

    This room wont be CO2 yet, I want to get everything else good before I start it. I'm trying to figure out the best way to cool this room with venting that is separate from the room, using my two windows, which aren't placed ideally. There is no way I can make the runs even, one side is always...
  3. C

    Greenhouse Grow, 3 strains.

    So it's been awhile since my last update. Plants are nearly done.. Made a couple mistakes.. I overfed Molasses, and the Grape apes hated it, and got some severe N lockout, think my yield was totally screwed cause of it. I was able to stop the yellowing though, with some fish emulsion and foliar...
  4. C

    Fans for venting 4k, as well as air for sealed room.

    So I'm still debating how to vent this setup best.. I just wanna be sure this will work. I'm doing 2 8x4 trays under 4k. My dilemma is that I'm not sure if I should go two 8 inch inlines doing 720cfm each.. One before Y adapter, and the other on the other side closer to the other. I'm trying...
  5. C

    Questions about fans for 4k watt system. upgrading from 2k

    Hmm, I think that is my only option, my idea will not work out. That other side is 6in hoods too, so I suppose if I got a good 6inch inline that would be sufficient?
  6. C

    Questions about fans for 4k watt system. upgrading from 2k

    So are you saying, I should run the Y farther out, so say both lines end up with equal length of ducting? If so, my issue there is that the intake is a window, so if I push the Y out farther it will end up wrapping back to the first run of lights in a kind of S shape I think.
  7. C

    Organics ARE chemicals

    Pretty sure Organics feeds the soil through microbes, and fungus, where chemical pretty much destroys that ecosystem, and replaces it with harsh chemicals. Why is it so hard to burn plants with organics, and not with chemicals? I don't think you understand what you speak OP.
  8. C

    Questions about fans for 4k watt system. upgrading from 2k

    I'm wonder if using a can 8"High Output737 CFM fan pulling air from outside into my lights is enough.. I have the lights over 2 8x4 trays. on the side furthest from the fan I want to put in a Hydrofarm 8"inline fan that does 477. This drawing is a pretty rough outline but it captures pretty...
  9. C

    Fast organic source for Nitrogen. PLants are N Def(pics)

    I foliar fed them, I haven't seen any negatives yet, I'm in a greenhouse, so bugs aren't a major concern. I had mites(funny the plants o outside never got them) but I sprayed them a ton and they are all gone, I've looked under random leaves for a couple weeks now with no spider mites.. Only...
  10. C

    Fast organic source for Nitrogen. PLants are N Def(pics)

    Fed them some liquid karma, fish emulsion(1 tbls to a gallon), foliar fed as well at one tsp, will post updates in a couple days
  11. C

    Fast organic source for Nitrogen. PLants are N Def(pics)

    Wow thanks so much for the responses! I think I will do fish emulsion tomorrow morning, grab some Alaskan at home depot. What is a good application rate for that? also is foliar feeding necessary, or even recommended?
  12. C

    Fast organic source for Nitrogen. PLants are N Def(pics)

    Yah, tha'ts the one.
  13. C

    Fast organic source for Nitrogen. PLants are N Def(pics)

    I'm using Bountea for my feed. Pretty sure I locked out N on the Grape Apes because I feed them more molasses than they liked. 2 tbls a gallon, 3 times a week So 4 of my plants are showing N def, I need a quick way to get some nitrogen into them organically. Any suggestions?
  14. C

    Problems with Grape Apes in Greenhouse, other strains look amazing(PICS!!)

    Hopefully I can save them and get a decent yield out of them, silver linings this is good, I can tell the Grape Ape is going to be huge, I cloned it to as well so I need to learn all I can from it, for when I grow it again. I'll also just totally cut back on Molasses, just do 2 feedings a week...
  15. C

    Problems with Grape Apes in Greenhouse, other strains look amazing(PICS!!)

    Yah, I think my problem is N lockout, due to excessive molasses feeding. I suspect the GA just does not like so much Molasses, where as the other two strains love it. So I will be completely drying out the pot, and give them a foilar feed, and some nitrogen heavily diluted when I water the soil...
  16. C

    Problems with Grape Apes in Greenhouse, other strains look amazing(PICS!!)

    I have 12 plants in the GH, so I fill an 18 gallon tote to near full, dump in 2 cups of Molasses, stir it up real good and frothy and water them through sprayers attached to a pump. I do this 3 days a week, usually, Tues, Fri and Sunday. As for feeding, I just feed them every watering, I'm...
  17. C

    Problems with Grape Apes in Greenhouse, other strains look amazing(PICS!!)

    Hmm, I've been doing 2 tbls.. I guess the GA is just way more finicky with it. I'll give them a foliar feed with some N in it, early in the morning and hope that greens them back up, or atleast retards the spread, then I'll give them a drench of grow nutes at 1/4 strength I think.
  18. C

    Problems with Grape Apes in Greenhouse, other strains look amazing(PICS!!)

    Well this is good to hear, do you think giving them some Grow nutes will solve this problem after I dry out the soil?
  19. C

    Problems with Grape Apes in Greenhouse, other strains look amazing(PICS!!)

    Yah, I wondered the same, that is what I thought originally, but then everything I read suggested yellowing is normal. I believe the other plants are showing NORMAL yellowing for a flowering plant, while the GA is showing something is seriously wrong. I'm going to completely dry out the pots...
  20. C

    Problems with Grape Apes in Greenhouse, other strains look amazing(PICS!!)

    Hello, so over the last couple weeks I've noticed my plants getting yellow. I realize this is pretty normal. HOWEVER, my Grape Apes seem to be experiencing some other problems, and I'm beginning to think it's overwatering. The funny thing is all the plants are on the same schedule, the...