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  1. R

    light bulb vaporizor

    badass. will have to try that next time i have enough free time to get bored. too busy lately.
  2. R

    Attention growers!!!!

    Well all you can do here is state what you believe, have heard, and the results that you are getting. I don't believe that cannabis plants will flower/bud/fruit, whatever you wanna call it, until they are put under a 12/12 light cycle (excluding autoflowers of course). I believe this because...
  3. R

    weed smell like fresh cut grass

    I'm new as well but if it helps, that's exactly what i gathered from the subsequent replies.
  4. R

    What do you regret most?

    My first grow i had several big, pretty, beautiful, stinky, awesome plants. 6 of them. I was soooooooo happy i was doing so good on my first grow. My biggest plant was a hermie and i was too proud of my first grow to be smart and remove the hermie, thinking i could just pull all the male pollen...
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    DWC/SOG Grow. Net Pot/Medium Question.

    I would really like someone with experience to answer this question as well... preferably within the next 5-7 days.... :-)
  6. R

    who has the big grow rooms here at RIU?

    I'm new to the forums, but it would seem that you're asking too broad of a question. Most of the information you are asking for is located within these forums. I would say utilize the search function and post a thread with specific questions after you've felt like you've read enough previous...
  7. R

    Flushing-When and How

    i would like to know this as well.
  8. R

    nute question for aeroponics str8 to 12/12

    thank you. i think i will try both. straight to 12/12 for half and 18/6 for two weeks and then compare.
  9. R

    nute question for aeroponics str8 to 12/12

    just asking if i use veg nutes up to a certain point if i put seeds straight into 12/12 or if i use bloom nutes or if i mix both
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    nute question for aeroponics str8 to 12/12

    I have a question. If I start a sog grow in a aero system and go straight to 12/12 from seedling with only a couple days of 18/6 vegging time, what nutes do i use? I know don't use any nutes at first. but when i do start using nutes, do i use veg nutes when they are small even though they are...
  11. R

    Electronic Waterer/Monitor (Automatic grow box)

    wow. that sounds like something I'd like to try one day.
  12. R

    First Grow... hoping to have the definitive storage bin grow

    how do i subscribe to this thread
  13. R

    is it bad to call attitude with plant ?s if i live in usa?

    yes. I believe you are shit out of luck.
  14. R

    flushing/harevesting question/problem

    he stated his reasons, he can't tell a difference. I personally can tell a difference and definitely don't like it when it isn't flushed, but if you can't tell and you're the one smoking it, fuck it.
  15. R

    MasterD's DIY DWC/bubbleponics w/ pics

    that is enough. I had a successful grow using two twelve inch airstones and a 20 gal tub and they definitely grew okay.
  16. R

    deep mud culture

    I'm not an expert at all, but it seems that it would be a bitch to deal with, being gloopy and gross, while providing no or little advantages. When you grow in soil you want the roots to get nutrients out of the soil. When you replace most of the soil with water you're taking all the nutrients...
  17. R

    DIY Light stand

    what about getting one of those wire shelves? something like$file/Wire%20shelf-4-starter.jpg and just take out the bottom shelves while sitting the light on the top shelf. It will just sit on it but since...
  18. R

    what type of lights are these, will they work?

    thank you. I'll email him and ask him if he knows that off the top of his head or will look for me. Doubt it but it's worth checking out if they would work. thanks
  19. R

    what type of lights are these, will they work?

    I don't know. This was the only thing on the craigslist ad. It just had a picture and said free. If he had some more info listed i would have included it or probably of looked it up myself and got the answer. Sorry, I guess I didn't upload the picture like i thought i did last night. I was...
  20. R

    what type of lights are these, will they work?

    So i was just perusing on craigslist and came across these lights. the guy has them posted as stadium lights. Just wondering if these would work for a grow or not. I already have lights, but these were listed as free and if they are worth something then it'd definitely be worth getting for...