what type of lights are these, will they work?


So i was just perusing on craigslist and came across these lights. the guy has them posted as stadium lights. Just wondering if these would work for a grow or not. I already have lights, but these were listed as free and if they are worth something then it'd definitely be worth getting for future grows.

Let me know, thank you!



Well-Known Member
You didn't tell us anything about them to know if they're usable or not. Are you talking metal halides? 1000w? What input voltage do they accept? Many of them only take industrial voltages not home voltages.

Need more info.


Well-Known Member
No places give old lights like that away all the time because they can't find a buyer for them. I've seen them on ebay and craigslist often but always the wrong voltage for home use which is why they can't find a buyer and end up either super cheap or free.


You didn't tell us anything about them to know if they're usable or not. Are you talking metal halides? 1000w? What input voltage do they accept? Many of them only take industrial voltages not home voltages.

Need more info.

I don't know. This was the only thing on the craigslist ad. It just had a picture and said free. If he had some more info listed i would have included it or probably of looked it up myself and got the answer.

Sorry, I guess I didn't upload the picture like i thought i did last night. I was hoping someone could recognize the ballasts or whatever those boxes are on top of them if they help to determine the light. Sorry about forgetting the picture.


Well-Known Member
Ok I see the pic, looks like 400w halide warehouse ballasts.

If he didn't give more info you will have to go there in person probably with a couple screwdrivers and wrenches and pull the cover on the ballast and see if there are extra wires for the input voltage. The wires themselves are usually labeled 110, 220, 277, 400whatever. They'll only do you any good if there are 110 and or 220 wires. If there's only one set of input wires and it's 277 or 400whatever forget it, the only useable parts would be the bulbs themselves and they are likely toast anyway.

Take a couple of wet naps so you can wipe the dust off any wires you find or you won't even be able to read them with all the soot that builds up in those type of lights.


thank you. I'll email him and ask him if he knows that off the top of his head or will look for me. Doubt it but it's worth checking out if they would work. thanks

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i use a 250w mh bay light for veg and a 400w hps for my bloom both looked like the lights in the photo , mine were able to be wired for 220v or 110v it is worth checking out , it took a little DIY to make them remote


Well-Known Member
So i was just perusing on craigslist and came across these lights. the guy has them posted as stadium lights. Just wondering if these would work for a grow or not. I already have lights, but these were listed as free and if they are worth something then it'd definitely be worth getting for future grows.

Let me know, thank you!
they r hps lights .. they will work but they r magnetic ballasts and put off crazy heat. i used em on my first grow they work but heat is crazy search digital ballasts and if ya really want those still u can have mine lol


Well-Known Member
they r hps lights .. they will work but they r magnetic ballasts and put off crazy heat. i used em on my first grow they work but heat is crazy search digital ballasts and if ya really want those still u can have mine lol
If you have free lights to give away you should list what area you're in. And for the record magnetic ballasts are still more reliable than any digital, so there are benefits to them not just negatives. They'll last for 10-20 years on even 24/7, no digital comes even close.


Well-Known Member
yup well not listin where im at thats for sure just sayin they may last for ever but they really aint that gr8.. ild rather have lower temps more efficiency and dimmable options then a 75 pond light puttin off 110 degrees.. if ya want em send me your info and pay the shipping costs and ill get em to ya no questions asked


Well-Known Member
They're too heavy to be worth shipping though unless it's a pallet of 14 brand new 1kw ballasts like I got for less than the cost of just two digitals locally. To me it's worth it putting up with the heat which is minimal compared to the heat the bulbs put off, and not having dimming which I'd never want to use in the first place.

What have you got? 400w 10 year old halides or 1kw fairly new halides or what? And how many?


Well-Known Member
i got 5 hps magnetic ballasts. 2 400's three 600's just bought brand new last summer cause they were cheaper...


Well-Known Member
Holy shit dude I will absolutely pay to have the 600's shipped to me, depending on how far away you are it may not cost that much...

Hell I want those bad!