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  1. C

    Nute burn or nute deficiency (pics)...

    i would say that it is nutrient burn because the problem looks like it started on the tips of the leaves, then worked its way in from there, usually starting at the tips is nutrient burn, but i'm not very experienced, so good luck :)
  2. C

    yellowing leaves

    we're well into 12/12 now, there is maybe 2-3 weeks left before harvest. the pots say 5 gallons, but they are more like 3.8. i guess it could be natural because i hear they drop leaves as it gets close, but it happened kind of suddenly so i'm nervous.
  3. C

    yellowing leaves

    haven't got any responses should i take better lighting pictures?
  4. C

    yellowing leaves

    hey i have a bunch of pictures to show most of the conditions, but if you notice on 404 there is some yellow leaves happening. since its older leaves and mostly at the bottom, i'm thinking its nitrogen deficiency, but i'd like some confirmation because adding fert can go bad quick. i've only...
  5. C

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    yes we have a big rubbermaid deal that sits out to evap all the chlorine, and we added the nutrients into that before we watered last nite. however nice that was the first time we used it, and i had seen the problem before i assumed it was overwatering (droopy, not curled up) thanks i'll watch...
  6. C

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    sorry i didn't elaborate on the tiger bloom because these signs were present before the first time we ever used it. i used .5 cups for a 12 gallons.. (recommended is 2-3 tsp/gallon its 2-8-4) we're soil, just added it to the water before watering). most of the pots have plenty of moisture down...
  7. C

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    hello, since this seems to be the authoritative curly leaf thread, i've noticed a little droopies over the last day or 2. i'm 99% sure its not over fert since we don't use any...we just used tigerbloom for the first time tonite. i'm not too sure from the symptoms, i would guess underwatering...
  8. C

    sad leaves

    thanks for the response, i'll take some pictures tonite under white light to post. here's the thing that confuses me...they are all using the same potting soil (ocean farm) and get treated exactly the same, i don't get how one could be deficient if all the others aren't as well. not saying...
  9. C

    sad leaves

    well we got 30 and this is the only one that is showing anything like this, just wondering what deficiency it could be or if its just shock because it gets the same treatment as the other 29 and all of them are great. i guess i should...
  10. C

    mylar or panda film?

    hey, i would recommend panda film. it lasts longer than mylar and ends up being more reflective over time (mylar looses reflectivity fast) and you can wash it after a run and its almost as good as new. so from what i've seen this: its lasts longer its more reflective over the long run its...
  11. C

    Edit Old Post

    please allow me to edit the first post of my thread i posted as i would like to change the address to something different, thanks it should read please me me with any questions as to why :) ps- i only have 1 thread open its called welcome to my room in the grow room...
  12. C

    welcome to my room

    ok so i replaced the video with a new one with the changes and i made it way way smaller so everyone should be able to see it.... i think i might just get some stuff together and post on the journal, thanks for letting me know i didn't do anything too stupid in my design :)...
  13. C

    welcome to my room

    thanks so much for a reply, i knew it worked, i think people are just giving up too early, its 62mb so expect as much as 5 minutes of loading time, or you can right click and choose 'save as' and save it to watch it. i switched the exhaust and the intake last nite and i'm going to find out...
  14. C

    welcome to my room

    bump once just to see if i can get a response...
  15. C

    welcome to my room

    if anyone is having problems with the vid loading, just right click on it and choose save as. it should save to your desktop and you can watch it. its likt 63mb my camera recorded it that big but i didn't want to mess up the quality
  16. C

    welcome to my room

    uhm did i do something wrong? isee many views but no posts? if the video is a problem or i didn't follow rules, please let me know :)
  17. C

    welcome to my room

    hi everyone...this is my first grow and i've read a lot of info from many forums, but i've found this to be the best place so far, so i wanted to post up a short vid of my grow room and see if any of the gurus or more experienced people can see anything blatantly stupid i'm doing :) thanks for...