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  1. JokerTattoo

    What kind of lighting

    man a rule of thumb is when you put your hand under the light where you feel good there the plant will too :), if your only option is to use one light, then you should use Metal Halide, all depends on the number of plants, growroom dimensions and airflow. good CFL's can even touch the plant...
  2. JokerTattoo

    Help with lights please!!!!

    you said 5 plants, so 400w hps with your other lights should be fine, how big is your room and how long you vegged the plants?
  3. JokerTattoo

    Help with lights please!!!!

    man i think you should add as more light as you can keep it cool and your budget allows you, i grew it in small place first with CFL's (had no money for hid) and just like you later in the last 2 weeks give it much light with 250w HPS (handmade aircooling) and sheets of white paper, make CO2...
  4. JokerTattoo

    help need for a growroom

    found it sorry, end this thread
  5. JokerTattoo

    sign for a hermie?

    Hi, i have those clones from a mother that mistakenly was burned from a fire in the growroom, and the stress on this plant seems bigger than the others so it show a leaf in circle, but it's only ONE leaf on the whole plant, others are nice and healthy and my question is, does it means 100%...
  6. JokerTattoo

    help need for a growroom

    ah i was looking for that but im new on this forum so please tell me how to thank you with "rep+" :s
  7. JokerTattoo

    help need for a growroom

    Thanks OldGrowth420 that from the Doc was a lot of information, Thanks again
  8. JokerTattoo

    help need for a growroom

    my question is which option will give me more yield in that room, not how much job i will have to do :)
  9. JokerTattoo

    help need for a growroom

    Hey guys, im newbie growing for 6 years outdoors, so this is my first indoor grow, i have two rooms 10' x 10' (3m x 3m) height 6' (180cm) each one ,i have 15 clones from Arjan's haze #2 in the first room, they are about 3' tall now in the second month vegging, and before i take a cuttings for...
  10. JokerTattoo

    leaves turning yellow on my Arjan's Haze #2

    I'm new and started with Arjan's Haze #2 , it's in a box with one Inlet fan and two outlet fans, room temperature is 25 degrees celsious, it's not nutrient burning becose i mixed it very light 1/3 , ph 6 - 6.5 , the light is on 24 hours/day, so i think it's over-watered and i think to let it dry...