Help with lights please!!!!

Hi there well im about to start flowering stage and I dont know if I have enough light for my plants(5 in closet) I been using a led light 90w that =400w four florecent tubes 34w each and a big cfl that is 62w that =300w is that enough light?? I was thinking of getting the 357 magnum led light but I dont know if I should please help I got about a week left thanks.


Active Member
i use 1 400whps for five 3 foot plants in a closet..not familar with the lights ur using..but if it equals 700w??sounds ok!

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
Need more information.
What size are the tubes? T8,T5? If they're not T5, you should probably replace them with more CFLs.
How tall are the plants? LED's and CFL's don't penetrate very deep into the plant, maybe 12in at best. CFL side lighting will help although T5 tubes would be better. A 62W CFL with a reflector on both sides of the UFO should give adequate top lighting.


Well-Known Member
From what I've seen, most UFO's aren't that great for flowering, although they work pretty good for veg. All I can really recommend, is if in doubt, add more. You can NEVER have too much fluoro or LED, IMO, and it'll only increase yield. But, keep in mind that once you are running 400 actual watts, you will be putting out as much heat as you would if you were running a 400 HID, which might be another option. With an air-cooled hood, your temps would probably be the same as they are now, give or take a couple degrees. At any rate,...if you only have a week or so left, you aren't going to change your harvest much now, if at all. It's a little late for that. :)


man i think you should add as more light as you can keep it cool and your budget allows you, i grew it in small place first with CFL's (had no money for hid) and just like you later in the last 2 weeks give it much light with 250w HPS (handmade aircooling) and sheets of white paper, make CO2 with one half baking soda and 5 teaspoons sugar in about 1L water and you should be fine25.10.2010.jpg


you said 5 plants, so 400w hps with your other lights should be fine, how big is your room and how long you vegged the plants?


Active Member
If your really really tight on money the cheapest solution with decent results would be the 150w hps with air coolable hood for 68 bucks at

Just re read your post op and if your willing to spend moniez on a magnum led light just get a 400w air cooled setup like everybody else is preaching. :-o
well my closet is 3 by 4 and I veged for about nine weeks now,
And yeah im tight on money but the good thing I have like four more fluro tubes
in the garage. Thanks for all the advice helped alot.