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  1. Hybrid01

    Purple maroc gone mad!!!!!!

    If they're just fading that means the plant is moving nutirents and starches from the old growth into the new growth and this is normal. Don't cut those leaves off, give 'em a gentle tug to see if they come off or not. Less fan leaves will also allow more airflow through the canopy which helps...
  2. Hybrid01

    What is hapening with my plant?

    Hey guys, I get help and enouragement here too so I like to give that back once in a while. How's she taken to her new home?
  3. Hybrid01

    What is hapening with my plant?

    Put her in a pot between 20 and 25L. She'll thank you for it. It's not about being capable, just about anyone is capable of growing this plant. It's all about trial and error, learning from your mistakes, smiling about your victories, and becoming a better grower. Those growers whose growshows...
  4. Hybrid01

    I'm thinking about topping my sativa???

    I had my 18L and 30L pots buried so that the rim of the pots were level with the ground. I just dug another 2 feet out under the 18L pots today and put a layer of rocks under them to keep the roots from growing into the native soil. Don't be afraid of putting them deep into the soil. It was 34...
  5. Hybrid01

    Half my plant?

    One of my plants is doing that too right now. The preflowers on the lower branches look like they're ready to start swelling up any day but the growth on the top branches still looks like it wants a couple weeks. Time will tell.
  6. Hybrid01

    Just beginning to flower need help.

    One of my plants is crowning too. 3 weeks after I topped her I thought "wtf? this is an indica and it's growing like a sativa all of sudden? What did I screw up?". The odd leaf falling off is normal and it can be caused by a number of things. When I see yellowing leaves I just tug on 'em a...
  7. Hybrid01

    Oh hey pretty plants!

    Organic soil only from renewable sources, meaning no peat, composted cow poop, high nitrogen seebird poop, dolomite lime, ph between 6.5 and 6.8, and once a week I throw a worm or two into the soil. They get direct sunlight for about 10 hours a day and for the last 2 weeks it's been 25-30...
  8. Hybrid01

    Vegging indoors for 8 months before bringing outside, good idea?

    Build a treehouse in it. That way that motherfucker will look less obvious from the sky.
  9. Hybrid01

    Oh hey pretty plants!

    I've heard lots of great things about them but I don't order things online and don't have anyone willing to order things for me. I figured drilling holes in the bottoms of the pots would be enough. The pots definately have good drainage and it really did amaze me just how fast these plants shot...
  10. Hybrid01

    Oh hey pretty plants!

    The last picture is my bagseed from last year before she went into her new home, for comparison.
  11. Hybrid01

    Oh hey pretty plants!

    Since I've been unemployed for just over a week, I've finally had time to give my plants all the love and care that they deserve and to take some pictures :) I transplanted these from 6L pots to 1 30L and 2 18L pots and one into a 47L pot. The smaller ones a good week ago, the one in the 47...
  12. Hybrid01

    I'm thinking about topping my sativa???

    I always bury my pots all the way in the soil. Why? 1. Keeps the roots cooler on hot summer days, 2. Keeps them less suspicious, and 3. Because Brwndirtwarrior said so.
  13. Hybrid01

    I found someone elses plants. What to do?

    Karma's a bitch. What if he knows about your grow and all of a sudden his plants get chopped? If he comes and gets his revenge which is quite possible, then great, an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. Find a new spot to grow and you increase the chance of a sucessful harvest more than...
  14. Hybrid01

    a few pictures and a few questions

    The first pic is a bagseed that I grew last year and really liked. I found 3 seeds in her. This is the only female. She sprouted on april 10 and has been in a 6L pot with organic potting soil and a generous handful of cow dung pellets from the getgo. I fed her some high nitrogen guano after...
  15. Hybrid01

    Is Fox Farm Organic?

    What Nullis said wasn't entertainment, it was enlightenment.
  16. Hybrid01

    Outdoor Soil?

    Hey don't take it personally but you need a little dose of reality. It's not that I wouldn't love to see you harvest 100 pounds of great quality weed, sell most of it, and go on a nice long vacation in Amsterdam, but it's just not gonna happen. If you want to amend the soil; worm castings and...
  17. Hybrid01


    Most people say add 20-30 days onto what the breeder says depending on the strain. I'd say plant 'em middle to end of may when the days really start getting longer and when they flower, get a little microscope, watch the trichomes and go from there.
  18. Hybrid01

    Outdoor Soil?

    I have 2 words for you: GET REAL! You're an inexperienced grower who wants to grow like the big boys who've been mastering their grow techniques for 20+ years? Sorry but it ain't gonna happen. You wanna grow that many plants you're going to have wander a least a few kilometers into the bush...
  19. Hybrid01

    auto pounder and think different

    @Puma327. Looks like you have 2 different phenotypes. Don't worry, it's not unusual. I think the light didn't scorch your plant, I think it looks like nute burn. Maybe the taller phenotype is a little more nute sensitive? I burned one of my bagseed plants outdoors last year. I flushed for 3 days...
  20. Hybrid01

    Organic soil help please

    I appreciate the advice, but I don't want to go the complete microbiological route. I never used a PPM meter, I just listened to my plants and got a lot of advice from the internet. It's one thing to read about a nitrogen deficiency, it's another if all of a sudden you have half a dozen plants...