Half my plant?


Well-Known Member
I went out today and noticed my biggest girl is starting to flower but oddly only half the plant is budding the rest seems like it's behind? Is that normal?


Well-Known Member
Can anyone tell me if this is normal or not? I would take a
a picture but it maybe be hard to see the buds seeing as they jus started flowering. But some seem like there still in veg. Or jus going into flower.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Kinda like a tomatoe, some are ripe, some arnt, different parts of the plant may start flower at slightly different times.


Active Member
One of my plants is doing that too right now. The preflowers on the lower branches look like they're ready to start swelling up any day but the growth on the top branches still looks like it wants a couple weeks. Time will tell.


Well-Known Member
Ok jus wanted to make sure it was normal cuz that's the only one of my 8 that's doing that but she is my biggest n from seed