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  1. Z

    best way to remedy too much nitrogen?

    the plant is showing signs of too much N such as very slow absorption of moisture from soil, lower leaves are very green, shiny, and fragile/droopy, and the top leaves are twisting slightly (not heat stress).
  2. Z

    best way to remedy too much nitrogen?

    babies are in flowering, we assume they have too much nitrogen. should I just flush them?
  3. Z

    Help: Twisting leaves and drooping/shiny lower leaves 3 weeks into flowering-PICS

    I don't know where the N would be coming from. FF tiger bloom is not high in Nitrogen and I have not been feeding them the grow big, which has more N. should I just flush em see how they responde?
  4. Z

    Help: Twisting leaves and drooping/shiny lower leaves 3 weeks into flowering-PICS

    I will try to be as detailed and accurate as I can so that anyone reading this will have as much information as possible with which to help. 200W HPS for flowering ocean forest soil FF tiger bloom (1 tsp/gal started at 1/4 tsp and worked up) FF big bud(1 tbs/gal started low and worked up)...
  5. Z

    White mold on seedlings, Best way to fix??? Please Help

    i just started a new grow and my soil was slightly too wet and my seedlings have a little bit white fluffy mold on the them. What is the best way to kill the mold without damaging the seedlings?? I was going to use hydrogen peroxide but I dont know if that will be too harsh on the...
  6. Z

    Burning along leaf margins. Twisted leaves. PICS INCLUDED

    details: week 3 flowering, Ocean Forest Soil, just water no nutes, 12-12 250hps, 76-78 F day, 68-70 F night, not sure on humidity but I have a dehumidifier in the area where I have my babies and set it to med-low, I water the plants almost every day though. leaves seem to be burning along the...
  7. Z

    N deficiency, pH or maybe heat stress??? PICS Included

    water them based off of weight really, ends up being every 2 or 3 days, I am not putting anything in them either, I am just going to add some pH up into my water and try to get it closer to 6.5 I guess.
  8. Z

    N deficiency, pH or maybe heat stress??? PICS Included

    So I will give details first and then pictures. 250watt HPS on 12-12, 6th day of flowering not using nutes, but I did give them 1tsp/gal FF grow big, and 1tbsp/gal FF Big Bloom once a month (almost) because I was using FF Ocean Forest and its pretty strong on the nutes. Temp stays at...
  9. Z

    Magnesium, Nitrogen, or pH problem?? please help pics included

    thanks a lot theexpress that was exactly what I was wondering, epsom salts it is :)
  10. Z

    Magnesium, Nitrogen, or pH problem?? please help pics included

    thanks alot, I do not know the pH of my soil I was going to test it tomorrow. If the pH would not cause what is shown I will go ahead and try epsom salts, are the ones available at target/walmart in the bath section the same as those used for plants?
  11. Z

    Magnesium, Nitrogen, or pH problem?? please help pics included

    For background information: 6 northern lights plants, FF Ocean Forest Soil, only nutes I am using atm is FF Big Bloom to help with nutrient lock up. Every plant looks great except for the one we are talking about. I am watering plants with filtered water every 2-3 days. Plants are under...
  12. Z

    heat stress or nute burn

    I have read throughout the forums and basically know I either have heat stress or nute burn. My light (250 watt MH) was very close so I am leaning towards heat stress and have since moved my light further back. Indoor grow, FF Ocean forest soil, big bloom (1 tbsp/gal) and grow big (1 tsp/gal)...
  13. Z

    hermaphrodite pollination and THC reduction

    So, this has probably happened to many amateur growers, but I overstresed my plants somehow during the middle of budding and one of my plants turned hermie and ended up pollinating all the plants in my closet. this happned mid way or later through budding, so all of my plants were covered in...
  14. Z

    Need some help: Leaves appear to be curling down/twisting

    the light is 1.5 feet away from the plants, checked my temp today and at the leaves its reading 90 flat, but its stable at 90, is that too hot? i could move the light up, but then i worry about my plants not being very dense and growing up rather than thickening out. what do you think?
  15. Z

    Need some help: Leaves appear to be curling down/twisting

    I have 7 plants about 3 weeks old in 24 hour veg w/ a 250 watt MH. Room is 3.5x3.5, avg temp is 85 degrees in the room. I am using foxfarm growbig (1 tsp/gal) and foxfarm big bloom (only adding this because the feeding schedule at foxfarm said to, not sure if its useful, but I am adding 1 t...
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    Ventilation and Heating question

    What is an acceptable maximum temperature for my room to reach? 85ish?
  17. Z

    Ventilation and Heating question

    I have just recieved my 250 system w/ a yield master 2 enclosure. I have a 250 watt digital balast running my lights. I have both MH and HPS bulbs, and the room that I am growing in is 3.5x3.5x8 ft. I would have posted pics but digi camera is broken. Couple Questions: I have read that...
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    Not sure if this is nute burn

    but it definately is just nutrient burning? also, being that I have not it nutrients but once and very dilute, could my city water be bad enough to cause toxicity? say maybe chlorine or something?
  19. Z

    Not sure if this is nute burn

    This plant is 4 weeks old grown indoors using 4 26watt daylight cfl's. It is watered every 3rd day (when the soil feels dry 2 to 3 inches down. Using organic potting soil and city water. I have only given the plant nutes once and then decided to wait until it got a little larger to avoid...