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  1. G

    Organic Nutrients found easy?

    hey guys just planted 3 lemon skunk seeds am using a 250w envirolite cfl got my seeds in jiffy pots theyve sprouted out the soil could any one please tell me when do i start feeding them ive been giving them water once in the morning and once at night theyve been drying out alot im gonna use...
  2. G

    How Should I Water My Plant?

    hi just planted 3 lemon skunk seeds the seeds have sprouted out the soil and my soil is getting to dry how much water should i give them when there in the early stage ive been giving them water in the morning and at night and my light is on 24hrs
  3. G

    Organic Nutrients found easy?

    first time grower here gonna grow 3 lemon skunk plants want sum tips gonna use bio vega nurients for growth and bio bloom for flowering am using a 250w envirolite can any1 give me sum tips on when 2 feed my plants and how many ml of nutrients in how much water and also when do i water them and...