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  1. G

    When & What Nutes?

    no that is a huge no no 1 - You'll burn the plants 2 - They will absorb the nutes way faster then what they'll need 3 - The only time you spray your plants is if you have spider mites and you have to treat your plants
  2. G

    new grow

    nice , I live close to a hydro shop so I can pick up a 1,000w HPS and or MH for around $90 CND but I won't be going with any of thoes since that would be way to much for power draw
  3. G

    When & What Nutes?

    yea I wouldn't give any thing more then 1/8th strength when you first start to feed them and if you feed them every watering you proibly can get away with 8th to 1/4 strength also if you feed then to much nutes you'll burn them and also later on you can cause Nute lock and that meens the plants...
  4. G


    try to take your clones short , and cut the fan leafs back some the taller the clone you take and the more leafs on the clone its gonna keep trying to use the energy to keep feeding all thoes leafs and not root
  5. G

    When & What Nutes?

    20-20-20 20% nitrogen 20% phosphorus 20% potassium
  6. G

    2 CFL's 1 Plant UPDATED (w/pics)

    if you can try to get 45w 6500K lights and 42w 2700K CFL lights You might be able to plug a timer into the plug then plug a power bar into the timer Yea I'm going to be a low budget grow my self to , gonna be upgrading my grow area when I have money left over to spare
  7. G

    2 CFL's 1 Plant UPDATED (w/pics)

    depends on how much space you have , are you doing 2 CFLs from start to finish?
  8. G

    2 CFL's 1 Plant UPDATED (w/pics)

    looking good , put a small fan on your plant to help make the stem stronger and would deff like to see more side pics of the hole plant
  9. G

    When & What Nutes?

    When - When your plants are 1 month old What - for soil any plant food that is 20-20-20 is perfect
  10. G

    GreenRider's Grow Journal

    Hi, newbie here to Rollitup and to growing. I have decided to start growing my own smoke since its hard to find any decent stuff here and its cheeper in the long run. It might be slow since I have bills to pay and such so this will be a low budget grow at the start I live on my own so I...
  11. G

    new grow

    if your tight for money maybe you could do a CFL grow and once you get more money you can improve your grow. When I start I'll prob have a super cheep setup till I get things setup
  12. G

    Sweet Homemade Ducting, what do you think?

    very nice job +Rep , might do that when I get my grow going , gonna be using PC fans to bring in air and take air out :)
  13. G


    1 - Green house 2 - Cut at 45 3 - you can scrape the out side to encourage rooting 4 - dip in rooting agent (gel or powder) 5 - Place in green house (most people would put the clones under 24/0 lighting) 6 - Mist the clones and dome once or twice a day Try using Peat / Jiffy Pucks when you...
  14. G

    |CANADA| here i come has a store that you can go to and buy , but I don't know if you need a medical card or not and such