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    Needahm Ban Open Hearing March 5th!!!

    yea wut he said.......^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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    Second day of drying....found a few male flowers. HELP!

    For your next grow ,research dutch masters reverse gold. its a flower spray that helps the plant produce female flowers only and helps to discourage male flowers. the latest time i would spray this on flowering plants is 4 weeks from harvest. yes i use it as a preventive. good results
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    Ph Fluctuates drastically over 24 hours?

    if this happens during a flush and or rez change then yes this is normall. it takes a good 24 hours to circulate that size rez if useing 1 on 5 off spray timer setting. no worrys, it happens to me.
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    Auto haze plant may be sick :(

    Cal-mag deficiency.......... add more cal-mag to nutes, other wise flush your plant it could be nute lockout but seems to young for nute lockout.
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    Help First aero grow white widow lots of pics

    As far as health of the plant, its doing great. The bottom small leaves are no longer geting light therfore they are no longer needed. The yellowing of these leafs is also normal, u can take them off, i do. This is normall, as it grows more leaves will need to be trimed. looks very good. Good luck.
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    Removing Males Roots and all - Advice needed

    i have done this b4, just be gentel and snip the males roots, try to leave as little as the male root in there as possable, but try to leave the females roots untouched. no worries.
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    Grozone fan control problems.........

    i guess i could do that. i use the grozone controller becuse with out it my fan runs at full hurricane speed. it is very loud when running at full speed and it sucks in the grow tent i use, it looks like its going pull my room down at full speed. My fan never runs over 30% power withthis...
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    Grozone fan control problems.........

    yea i use this controller with no problems. i have mine set to never turn off. works wonders for me, i use it with the sentinel mdt-1 electronic controller and toghther they controller controll everything. only thing i have to do is water my plants, adjust light height and trim. other than that...
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    Is flowering time accelerated in aero?

    The most ive got from 1 plant in aero is 4 ounces, yes 112grams dry. most ive got soil was 1.5 ounces.In flower a aero plant can end up being 4 feet tall and hard to manage, in soil the streatch is much less but so isnt the yield.
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    BushMaster help.

    I use it o i use bushmaster with good results. On soil and aeroponic plants. i foliar feed my plants with 1-3 ml of bushmaster depending on the size of my spray bottle. In my 36 ounce bottle i fill with water and add 3ml bushmaster to the water,mix, then spray on plants, try to hit the leaves...
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    Dutch Master Reverse late in flowering. Success!!!

    I sprayed my rack day 42, When i noticed a light leak, it stressed 1 plant and it threw out a couple nanner's.. Got rid of the light leak and cut the stressed cola off, and inspected the other girls, they were ok, no nanners..... So far i have seen no more nanners and i can see my nugs...
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    first two leaves yellow

    These are the embro leaves and are only made to serve as food for the seedling untill the fan leaves come out. By then the plant is photosythesizing and it no long needs those leaves, here's a link...