BushMaster help.


Well-Known Member
I'm running a NFT 5'' net pots in 6 inch tubes. This is day 5 out of EZ cloner. I ran bush master at quarter strength And WOW it looks like its stopping virtical growth dead in its tracks. The Feeder roots coming out of the bottom look nice and white, but they are really thick. I drained and flushed, but what do you guys think? Should I load in new plants or or just continue with my my normal feeding program of House and Garden? I'm just worried that I'm going to end up with 12'' tall plants. This stuff is crazy strong. I'm running a 40 gallon rez and I ran the bushmaster with water and nothing else it called for 1ml per gallon and fed it 15ml for 3 days.
And this is what I'm looking at.

The problem is the new growth looks nice and green but a tad bit crispy. I Drained and flushed with clearex. Any advice on how I can get these things looking "normal" again. Should I roll the dice or just wait 2 weeks and run new plants?

From here on out in hydro, im only running BushMaster for 1 day for maybe just as a folier feed. I have never had this problem in soil with the same strain.


1Full_plant.jpg2Root_growth day 5.jpg3intubes.jpg4_tube_full_view.jpg5close_up_show_3.jpg


Looks like you have a ph and calmag problem what is your ph?????ph in hydro should be 5.5-6.0 5.8 being perfect........... also why did you use bushmaster so early if you didnt want small plants???


Well-Known Member
I keep my PH between 5.5 and 5.8 never over 6. Also I ran cal+Mag sup. The more I read about Bushmaster..... Its just really strong. I'm pulling almost all of them and loading new starts.


Well-Known Member
Bushmaster should be called emergency brakes cause it will do just that stop growth a lot. I didn't like the finish I still have a whole bottle of it and it will be a collectors item in my cupboards, lol.


Active Member
I use it o i use bushmaster with good results. On soil and aeroponic plants. i foliar feed my plants with 1-3 ml of bushmaster depending on the size of my spray bottle. In my 36 ounce bottle i fill with water and add 3ml bushmaster to the water,mix, then spray on plants, try to hit the leaves the most. In my exp.it will slow down and in some cases stop vertical plant growth altogether.the plants will bush out more versus growing taller. Shorter, fatter buds when used in flower.i use it at the start and 10 days into flower to keep my girls short.i love this stuff. ****But yes very strong use low nute strentgh when useing becuz it will burn your ladies.soil growers use only water b4 and after using, wait 1 week when done to use full strentgh nutes. in areo i use only 700ppm the first 2 weeks to not burn them. 1 week after im done using bushmaster back to full nutes. Any creditablity issues Stinkbuddies can vouche for me. Im xluis12x from the stink site. sadlly it went down tho,. Good luck!!!!