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  1. azizeeee

    Stems Bending/Sagging. Plants seem conscious Very very interesting.

    Yeah yeah that's EXACTLY what it looked like they were doing. Now they're happy as anything. But you wanna know the weirdest thing? I took em out the tent to take the photos and when they were sitting there while I was typing on here THEY WERE MOVING. I sound like I mighta been...
  2. azizeeee

    Stems Bending/Sagging. Plants seem conscious Very very interesting.

    I've now watered them and they are back to their sprightly best a mere 1 hour later. It's AMAZING!
  3. azizeeee

    Stems Bending/Sagging. Plants seem conscious Very very interesting.

    Hey everyone. My plants are 1 week into flowering, looking nice and healthy. However today I was filtering water and needed to dump some. I dumped it onto the plants in my grow tent that aren't suitable for nutes and DIDN'T water the larger WW plants that are 1 week into flowering. I...
  4. azizeeee

    How to raise humidity

    Why did everyone just ignore this post? THIS WORKS.
  5. azizeeee

    Leaves Drying (pictures) Please Assist :)

    Hey guys. Here's some current pics of the girls. They seem to be exhibiting some droopy activity in the leaves. It seems like over watering from what I've read. Is this the correct assumption? BTW I have intensionally been watering the girls quite hard since re-potting them, I had to cut...
  6. azizeeee

    Leaves Drying (pictures) Please Assist :)

    BTW you're absolutely right about adding nutes when they were young. I was adding large amounts un-wittingly. Amazingly and thankfully they have lived. Gotta love weed! Thanks for your advice your a genius, one day, I hope to be like you in terms of your knowledge and generosity to share it.
  7. azizeeee

    Leaves Drying (pictures) Please Assist :)

    Oh no! Death-match eh? Well I will have to transplant them tomorrow then. I was considering doing this anyway as I want to grow 2 more of the suckers. Right ok, thanks for the great info on the nute burn and how it appears. Great stuff.
  8. azizeeee

    Leaves Drying (pictures) Please Assist :)

    Ah yeah I do have two in one pot. Why can't I do this? I mean this is cool I can just transplant it. But just for interests sake why will this not make a real plant?
  9. azizeeee

    Leaves Drying (pictures) Please Assist :)

    What took you to that conclusion? The edges are looking a little burnt huh. Which looks like nute burn, however, I am trying to lower the ph with the nutes so what can I do? I back off the nutes my ph is too high I stay on the nutes and I get nute burn! What's worse? I've got some...
  10. azizeeee

    Leaves Drying (pictures) Please Assist :)

    More photos of the babies.
  11. azizeeee

    Leaves Drying (pictures) Please Assist :)

    WTF? Were did they go? Sorry....
  12. azizeeee

    Leaves Drying (pictures) Please Assist :)

    More Pictures.....
  13. azizeeee

    Leaves Drying (pictures) Please Assist :)

    Hey, thanks for replying guys. I'm not sure if it was over feeding, I've increased the amount that I am watering them and they seem to be responding positively. Also they are responding rather positively to the nutrients. I think the damage could be related to heat stress. Possibly also...
  14. azizeeee

    Hey there. Nah sorry to dissapoint you but I am not asian. IMO it's just a cool name and it is...

    Hey there. Nah sorry to dissapoint you but I am not asian. IMO it's just a cool name and it is a bit of an alter ego. But anyway.....I am growing WW. Thanks for you reply, but I don't think it's over watering becuase I am hitting it with more water now and it seems to be improving. One...
  15. azizeeee

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Hey guys. I'm about week 2.5 into my coco grow. I am having trouble with high Ph levels around 7.5. Did anyone else have similar problems in their coco grow? If so, how did you solve the problem?
  16. azizeeee

    1st week white widow pictures

    Yo, nice WW you've got there. Just so we all know, you mentioned you made a couple of mistakes throughout the growing process. What were those mistakes?
  17. azizeeee

    Leaves Drying (pictures) Please Assist :)

    Hi Everyone. My plants are about 2 weeks old under the light and they are starting to show some minor drying of leaves. I think it might be nute deficiency as I am growing in 100% Coco. Today I added a small amount of nutes to see how they respond. What do you guys think? Is it...
  18. azizeeee

    nute burn? P deficiency???

    This may sound stupid but whats the method of flushing?
  19. azizeeee

    New Seedling. Curling Leaves. Whazup?

    Hi everybody. Ive recently planet three WW seedlings under my 400W HPS (I know not ideal) and they are beginning to exhibit some leaf curling. I suspect it is because I have been giving them nutes too early. I have a extractor removing the heat so I doubt it is leaf burn. Does this look...
  20. azizeeee

    Over watering and nute burn? Save the little ones!

    Ive got the same problem with my seedings. Ive been wrongly adding nutes I just found out so yeah it could be over nutes.