Stems Bending/Sagging. Plants seem conscious Very very interesting.


Hey everyone.

My plants are 1 week into flowering, looking nice and healthy.

However today I was filtering water and needed to dump some. I dumped it onto the plants in my grow tent that aren't suitable for nutes and DIDN'T water the larger WW plants that are 1 week into flowering. I checked back about an hour later and to my shock and bemusement the WW plants had gone all saggy, as it they were stretching TOWARDS the water, or as if they were disappointed at not being watered. Its very interesting. Has anyone else heard of this or of the logical explanation to this?



thats some fucked up shit haha its like they were lookin down like "where the fucks my water?"
Yeah yeah that's EXACTLY what it looked like they were doing.

Now they're happy as anything.

But you wanna know the weirdest thing? I took em out the tent to take the photos and when they were sitting there while I was typing on here THEY WERE MOVING.

I sound like I mighta been stoned but Im not! DEAD SET THEY WERE MOVING THEIR BRANCHES. THEY ARE ALIVE!!!!!!!!!