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  1. X

    Will You vote for Obama?

    Never did never will. I think it shows a true flaw in your logic and reasoning if you vote for him twice. The first time I can forgive you because you are either black or got swept up in the hopey changey rhetoric and you wanted to feel cool like the rest of the dumb-masses. This time around you...
  2. X

    The best way to dry/cure a small amount of bud??

    Water cure in only one week. That's how I take samples. 10 grams wet won't amount to much though.
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    Dry Ice hash

    Ive got an industrial salad spinner I plan on lining with 220 micron screen. I was going to assign it to scuff box duty but now I think I will toss in some dry ice to hasten the process. Many thanks.
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    EveryonedoesIT Review (First Review!)

    take the pics down so the rest of us can still shop there!!!!
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    Something is wrong with my girl 5weeks flowering pics included need help

    what he is saying is that you being 5 weeks into flower should already be flushing, ie giving your ladies hella tons of water as to flush out the nutes they may uptake. this will flush the remaining nutes it of her system and also force them to put one last dying bit of energy into bud...
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    3 Word Story

    a sex change
  7. X

    I Was So High I Thought This Was Almost Poetry...

    Oh glow in the dark closet... Why do you exist? And...why do you have a fan? I thought of that when i was high after my girlfriend said her little sister came to visit and asked why is there a light in that armoire...and a fan cut into the side. (Can you say run on sentence?)