Something is wrong with my girl 5weeks flowering pics included need help


@Matt316420 your telling me a magnesium is the problem it sais on your post that dolomite will help them somewhat so if that's the case how do I add garden lime


Well-Known Member
Whoa, back up. First , I really don't think it's mag def buyt you make the call yourself, you're there with the plant. +Which one does it look like?



Now, if it IS mag def, you need to establish the ph. He is not saying there isnt enough in there, he's saying you are locked out which means that the soil is not at the right ph for the roots to uptake magnesium. To do this, you need to establish a specic ph (6.4 for ph I think, been awhile)(Matt? lil help?)


Look at her suffer I feel bad can some one tell me how to use garden lime because someone told me it's a magnesium prob

This. Is the nutes And soil I just bought and garden lime

Can someone tell me how to use these products the right way so that this Wont happen again to my 6 new autofflowers.. And by the way how do u use garden lime


Whoa, back up. First , I really don't think it's mag def buyt you make the call yourself, you're there with the plant. +Which one does it look like?



Now, if it IS mag def, you need to establish the ph. He is not saying there isnt enough in there, he's saying you are locked out which means that the soil is not at the right ph for the roots to uptake magnesium. To do this, you need to establish a specic ph (6.4 for ph I think, been awhile)(Matt? lil help?)
That's how my fan leaves looked like before I lost them all. Now the little fan leaves that are growing on the bud look Like those leaves u posted but a little worse


Well-Known Member
I honestly can't help you, you're thought process is beyond me but if you want others to help, MAKE SURE YOU READ WHAT THEY WRITE. You're telling me, yes, thats what they looked like ,...when there are 2 pictures, of 2 different issues and I'm asking you which one it looks like. Pay attention to what I am telling you, you have to begin with your ph and I can pretty much assume you don't have a ph pen so I don't know why I am bothering. When it comes to growing weed, you get what you give. The lime will work great, Good luck bud


what he is saying is that you being 5 weeks into flower should already be flushing, ie giving your ladies hella tons of water as to flush out the nutes they may uptake. this will flush the remaining nutes it of her system and also force them to put one last dying bit of energy into bud production. Plus it won't taste like the the undigested. grass from a cat turd. This will, in the process, alleviate the nute burn you seem to be experiencing. I am someone else, i am answering this question, now flush (or read up on it). Stick with Fox Farm and avoid Miracle Grow soil.


Well-Known Member
what kind of soil are you using..I just swithched to coco myself from soil and im lovin it. I have noticed an extreme difference between the two and im sticking with coco you should switch over yourself or at least look into it. the only thing you really got to look out for is the mag n cal deficiencies. YOu gotta do sum research on nutes before you just jump in and lose money


Well-Known Member
@Matt316420 your telling me a magnesium is the problem it sais on your post that dolomite will help them somewhat so if that's the case how do I add garden lime
Dolomite lime will buffer your ph and provide some magnesium (depending on type of lime) but Cannabis LOVES magnesium during flowering, especially in the early stages..


Well-Known Member
what kind of soil are you using..I just swithched to coco myself from soil and im lovin it. I have noticed an extreme difference between the two and im sticking with coco you should switch over yourself or at least look into it. the only thing you really got to look out for is the mag n cal deficiencies. YOu gotta do sum research on nutes before you just jump in and lose money

Seems like the culprit is these food companies for not putting enough magnesium in the flowering foods..


Well-Known Member
i think i know what is wrong with your plants, they're in a time warp. your first thread about this problem was started on 6/8 and they were 3 weeks old. 5 days later, on 6/13, another week older. here's the kicker, from yesterday, they aged another week. i think you should flush and transplant back to mg soil then flush again until she is completly wilted.